The Entrance Exam Pt.1 (Poll is Closed)

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--- First and foremost thank you to LadySkullDeMort for that Funny gif ---

Izuku's POV:

          So it has been A little while since we had come back from my training journey around the world. Yeah I said we, me and my new friend Melissa Shield. We met on I-island, when I went to see her father about practicing metal bending on rarer metals. I gave her the ability to water bend after getting permission from her father, and began teaching her immediately. After we both turned thirteen I had permission to bring her with me and Bumi my Gorilla goat to Japan so we could train there and prepare for the UA Entrance Exam for 5 years.

          Once we got back I had to move because my families old apartment would not be a suitable environment for Bumi. I still own the apartment complex, but we just freed up our old apartment and moved to the countryside on a large estate that was for sale. That gave Bumi plenty of room to roam around and gave me, Melissa, and Touya plenty of room to practice on. 

          "Okay this is a Sparring match," I said. "No cheep shots, Melissa I am looking at you." 

          "Hey that's mean," she said from her ready stance. 

          "Yeah but I don't normally hit you below the belt," Touya snapped back. 

          "Get back on track," I called to them. "Ready, begin!" 

          Touya opened up and sent out a column of flame to Melissa, who defended with a wall of water. The wall consumed the flames and she froze the water into icicles sending them at Touya. He responded by creating a flame whip and began to knock them out of the air melting them significantly on contact. Once out of danger he launched a few volleys of fire balls at Malissa who countered snuffing out each one by surrounding them with water. The fight went on and on Melissa would send a volley Touya would counter and then send one back. 

          "Okay you two I think that should be good we do need to get going," I said as the alarm on my phone went off.

          "Fine then I guess we will call it a draw for today." Touya said sweating profusely and dripping with some water as well. 

          "Yeah, well continue this tomorrow." Melissa said running over to me so we could head out. 

Small Time Skip to UA Assembly Hall

          "Good Morning Everybody!" Present Mic shouted into the audience. "Can I get a Yeah!"

          "Okay then!" He said, "Lets Move On! Today You all will be participating in mock urban battles! You all will be scored by the robot villains you successfully subdue, there are three main ones you will encounter! First the 1 Pointer aptly worth one point, then there are the 2 and 3 Pointers!" 

          "Um excuse me sir?" A kid with blue hair and square glasses raised his hand.

          "Yes Candidate!" Present Mic responded.

          "On the hand out provided by UA itself it clearly states that there are 4 villain types, yet you have only covered 3 kinds." The boy said, "If this is a mistake on UA's part that is egregious for a school as prestigious as this one, and you!" he said pointing at me and Melissa, "You two have been talking through nearly the entire presentation. It has been quite distracting so please stop." 

          "Well Iida Tenya I believe, I was talking with my friend to help her with how best to utilize her quirk against the metal robots," I said standing up. "So we were technically talking about the exam. Further more we did so in a quite matter and none of those around us were really bothered. As for your question to Present Mic if you had actually read the hand out you would know the remaining robot is worth 0 points ergo it is an obstacle." 

          "Well Said Little Listener!" Mic said, "Indeed the remaining robot is worth 0 points and is just an obstacle! Now If you all would look at you exam card please get on the bus outside headed to the corresponding letter!" 

--- Sorry this chapter has taken so long I have had a fair amount of writers block recently thank you all for waiting patiently and for that patience I award you all with a Poll. --- 

          What bending should Izuku use as his quirk for know to keep up appearances, I will only be listing the basic elements but sub elements connected to it will also be utilized by him.





          This Chapter will be updated when I decide to write the next one when it is updated the Poll will be closed so you have until then to place your votes. Also props for whoever looked up the URL before getting to this point. 

--- Thank you all for participating in the poll so with a landslide majority fire won the poll. That means Izuku will be 'Restricted' to Fire bending, Heat Manipulation, Lightning bending and redirection, the healing that fire bending has access to, and lastly combustion bending. Now one of you also suggested he use air bending in secret the logic behind this being many people can't see air bending which I think is valid so I will be utilizing that logic just expect someone to notice. Finally see you all in the next chapter might be a bit I need to do some research to help me get some ideas. ---

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