A New Journey Begins

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Izuku's POV: 

We got a tree to plant to Immortalize my Mom and are heading to the clearing, my Mom's favorite place. We walk though the barely budding trees slowly, me carrying the urn with my mothers ashes and Touya carrying the tree a young wisteria, Mom's favorite. We came to the clearing the babbling brook sounding so peaceful. We began digging a hole for the young sapling and I added a bit of the ashes from Mom's urn and we placed the wisteria sapling and gave a prayer to the heavens. 

"I love you Mom, and I hope to meet you in your next life" I said tearing up Touya came over and gave me a hug. 

"I may have never met her but anyone who could bring a bundle of joy into this world like you deserves to be remembered for eternity" He said. "Everything will be okay Izu I know it will" with that we went home and peacefully ate lunch each of us stayed quiet for the remainder of the day.  

--- The Next Day --- 

"Okay Touya, for your remaining training I think it would be best to get advice from a friend" I told him as I was coming down the stairs. 

"Okay where do we have to go?" He asked. 

"The spirit world, I need you to meet quite possibly the greatest Fire bender to have ever lived" I said. 

"how are we going to go there?" He asked. 

"Well first we meditate, and then I do the hard part" I said. 

"What's the hard part?" He asked. 

"Bringing someone who doesn't believe there" I said. 

"That's not fair I've tried a thousand times to go there my self during all of our meditation breaks" He said. 

"I know that but you were being forceful and to get there you need to be one with the spirits, okay" I said. 

"Fine" he said. 

"Okay meditation position" I said. So we took our positions and began meditating. Breath in . . .  and . . . out . . . in . . . out . . .relax and the hard part grab around here and there we go. "Welcome to the spirit world Touya"

--- The Spirit World ---  

"What, whoa this is weird" he said. 

"Come on we need to get to his place" I said. With that we began to follow the smell of brewing tea, "Hey Iroh I managed to bring Touya here well I need your help in showing him how to use the advanced techniques of Fire Bending and Lightning Bending if you don't mind" 

"Yeah I can help you with that just give me a moment I have quite a few guests" Iroh said as he began pouring tea for around 20 spirits that decided to stay here. "Oh and I'm sorry to hear about your Mother Izuku" 

"It's okay I'll be fine" I told him accepting a cup of tea. 

"Um, if this is the spirit world wouldn't she be here?" Touya asked. 

"Unfortunately, that is not the case I am a unique case as is the consciousness of the past lives of the Avatar. Most humans simply reincarnate upon death Touya." Iroh explained while I was sipping my tea. 

"Oh okay" Touya said. 

"Well Iroh do you know where the others are I'd like them to meet Touya" I said. 

"Oh they should be on there way, for tea time" he responded. 

"Okay well you ready to go there?" I asked. 

"Right let's get started" He said. 

"Go where I thought we were training here?" Touya asked. 

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