The Sparing Match

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Izuku's POV: 

"Touya, time to get up. Eat up, today we see how far you've come" I said from the kitchen, he sleeps on the couch we have only two bedrooms and one is locked up till mom gets home. I made Japanese style omelets, miso soup, pickled bamboo shoots, and rice for our breakfast today. 

"I'm up, I'm up. What are we doing today" Touya asked sitting up on the couch. 

"Today, Touya we see if you are ready to advance to the next level of fire bending and your training over all. So again eat up, you'll need the energy" I told him and with that we sat and ate in silence. "Ready to go Touya" I asked him once we both had finished. 

"Yeah I'm ready as I'll ever be, it's just I'm feel so full" He replied. 

"Well then let's go and the walk will help with that" I told him as we set out for the beach. "Okay here's a run down of what we will be doing, first we spare with our fighting ability alone. Then after the outcome of that match we have a short break and move on to sparing with fire bending" I tell him. 

"Why not just go straight to the bending" he asked me 

"The reason why is you never know when you won't be able to bend" I tell him. "Fire benders draw power from the sun. So say there is a solar eclipse for example we can't fire bend. Beyond that long ago there was a technique used to block bending called chi blocking, and I don't know if there is anyone alive today that knows how to do it, apart from my self" I say that last part quietly. With that we made it to the beach. "Okay in order to win the match you must knock me out or pin me" 

With that we spaced out about 5ft. apart and took our stances. Touya was the one to instigate the match by rushing at me and preforming a scissor kick, which I blocked with my arms and forced him backwards. He then launched at me with a round house kick to which I countered with one of my own. 

"C'mon Touya try harder than that" which lead to him launching and punching me in the chest, which I was forced to guard against and it flung me backwards. "Nice hit" I said and did the come at me thing with my hands, he came running at me with a right hook, to which I countered by grabbing his forearm twisting around and shoved him into the ground pining him.

"Ow . . . ow . . . ow, damn your strong for an eight year old" Touya said from the ground. "Right you win you got me pinned" 

"Thank you Touya, Okay your hand to hand combat could use some work. Time for a break then we test you bending" I said tossing him a bottle of water and a protein bar. 

"So I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now, why is your Mom in the hospital Izuku" Touya asked after downing half his water bottle. 

"Well, my Mom is in the Hospital in a coma after she had a seizure caused by an in operable brain tumor" I told him holding back a tear. 

"Oh, well if that's the case what do you do when you visit her" he asked scarfing down his protein bar. 

"I talk to her spirit projection" I said. "Something I'll teach you to help with studying in Highschool" 

"Okay then. Well we should start the second sparing match" He said. 

"Yeah, yeah we should" I said clearing my mind. 

We once again took our stances, only this time we stood about 15ft. apart. Touya started the match again launching a couple of blue fire balls at me, after all thin=s time he hasn't let go of that hatred, I countered them with a wall of fire. I took a deep breath preparing an attack, as I breathed out a ring of fire appeared around me with each sequential breath the fire grew and grew. Until I collected all of it into a ball in front of me and launched it at Touya. It was blocked by him making an X with his hand and dispersing the fire by breaking the X. He then counter attacked with several strong blasts of fire I  was forced to dodge. I got pinned between to Bursts of flame that grew into a walls of bright blue fire. 

"Got ya, you can't go anywhere" Touya said. "I win" 

"That's, what you think Touya" I said calmly. "Remember the story I told you" 

"The one about how these powers came about yeah" Touya replied. 

"Yes that's the one, and in that  story it told of one person capable of mastering all four elements, The Avatar" I said. 

"What of it" he said with a look of worry. 

"Touya . . . Touya . . . Touya, I am the Avatar" I said mockingly. 

"Y-You Ca-Can't be I've only seen you use fire bending" Touya shouted nervous. 

"I've only mastered two elements so far Fire and Air" I replied. I then created a ball of air and rode it towards finishing the counter attack by pinning him to the ground my foot on his neck and my hand ready to fire. "Well you passed Touya I only wanted you to push me to need to use another form of bending" I told him calmly helping him up. Then my phone rang.

Touya's POV: 

Izuku said I passed but he won the sparing match, then his phone rang. 

"Hello, yes this is he" he said to the person on the other end. His face had fallen from the joy of his victory to one of utter distraught. "I'll be over shortly" he said. 

Izuku's POV: 

I was crestfallen "that was the hospital, my Moms awake but her health is declining" I told Touya who has become like a brother to me in this short period we have known each other. I was on the verge of tears. 

"Well I'll understand if you want to go alone" he said. 

"No, no please come with me your like a brother to me" I finally admitted it to him. 

"Okay, I'll come and be there to support you if you need it" He said a tear visible on his cheek.

With that we went to the hospital and I rushed to my Mom's room as soon as possible. 

"Mom, I'm here, I'm here" I say beginning to cry. 

"Ah, Izuku you made it. I'm glad to see you before I die, remember my sweetie I will always be with you so long as you hold me in your heart and for me live the dream you have always wanted to live" Inko said as she held her son for the last time. the lights leaving her eyes and her body resting lovingly holding Izuku who was crying his eyes out for the first time since he  was announced quirkless. Touya walked up and grabbed him 

"Come here buddy It's gonna be okay, It's gonna be okay. What would she have wanted for a funeral Izuku" He asked. 

"Our *hic* our family has a tradition of cremation and she would have wanted that" I tell Touya as I'm crying beginning to fall asleep. 

In the spirit world we see Iroh, Roku, Aang, and Jinora looking at Izuku with great sadness 

"We are so sorry Izuku" they all said together. 

"We will have to be here for him when he needs it" Iroh said. 

--- there we go this was a long on 1293 words hope you enjoyed until next time ---     

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