Chapter 4

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He has a girlfriend? Strangely, this information hurts. I didn't think that I liked him but I guess I do. I can't sit at this table anymore. I grab my tray and start walking away. Hearing Mason call my name behind me only makes me move faster. Rushing to the library, I turn every corner just so he can't catch up with me. I just need to escape.  Reading will help me do that. I turn the corner to the library and he's there waiting for me. Oh my God! Seriously, how did he know where I was going? "Why did you leave?" He looks directly into my eyes. "I Umm...I wasn't hungry." I lie. "Alright well Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with the biology homework." He really wants me to tutor him? "I guess I can. Where at?" He looks at the floor and then back up at me. "Can I come over to your house after school." He wants to come to my house!  I need to stop making such a big deal over this. I'm just helping him with homework. "Sure." I scribble my number on a price of paper and hand it to him. "Just text me when you want to come, and I text you the address. " I turn to walk in the library. "See you later." I call over my shoulder.


There is a knock at the door and I get up to answer it. Thankfully my mom is at work. She would probably embarass me about all that safe sex crap she was going on about the other day. She should know that I'm not going to have sex with him. Be doesn't even like me. I open the door and he is leaning against the house. "Hey." He smiles. "Hi, come in." I turn around and walk back to the living room and sit on the couch. Mason follows me and sits in the seat next to me. I feel kind of safe just having him next to me. I need to stop thinking like this! He doesn't like me, and he has a girlfriend.

I don't understand why he needed help with the biology, he is great at it. Jeez, this boy confuses me. After studying we decided to watch Cheaper by the dozen. I love this movie. I can't believe how many kids they have. They must really like children.

By the time my mom comes  home Mason has already left. After a dinner of chicken Alfredo I am so tired. I go upstairs, brush my teeth, change and climb into bed.


Jeez, it's hot outside. I'm thankful that I wore shorts and a tanktop today. The shorts stop mid thigh.  There short alright, but they are my only pair. Walking through the door I see Mason leaning against his locker talking to Sarah. He smiles at me, and his eyes widen as they travel up and down my body. Jeez, what the hell is he staring at? I ignore him and breeze past him and his girlfriend.


"What's up?" I ask Luke as I pull my chair back. His eyes wonder down my body as I sit down. Jeez what is is with all these boys today.  Our teacher gives a long speech about the square root of pie and it's importance as me and Luke play tic tac toe on the desk. The bell indicating class is over rings and I grab my books. Luke and I are walking down the hallway laughing about the idea of string cheese, as Mason turns the corner. When he see's me with Luke something in his eyes change. "Hey Lacey, can I talk to you for a sec?"


"Can you help me with the Biology homework again tonight?" He is awesome at Biology, I don't see why he needs my help. I don't feel like asking though. "Sure. See ya later." He scowls at Luke before walking away. What was that about?

Mason's POV

"Do you want to come over tonight? My parents won't be home." Sara smirks at me. I don't really want to go to her house, I'm starting to get bored with her. I know exactly where she is headed with this "my parents aren't home" thing, she wants to sleep with me and thats not happening. Yes, we've had sex before but it doesnt feel right with her. Plain and simple. She continues talking as I see Lacey walk through the building door. Oh my fucking God, she looks hot as hell. She has on jean shorts that stop mid thigh and that show case her long longs. And shes wearing a tanktop that reveals.  I smile at her but she seems to be ignoring me as she walks right past us. Something about this girl won't stop bothering me. I have to see her tonight, last night wasn't enough. I came up with a pathetic excuse about not knowing biology. I guess I'll use this one tonight too. Something about her attracts me and not just on a physical level.

I go to find her after class. As I turn the corner I see her with that Luke kid and they're laughing about something. He better not be her boyfriend. I ask her my questions and scowl at Luke and walk away.

Lacey's POV

Later Mason and I sit on the couch,  textbooks in our laps. "Okay, do you get it now?" I ask him. "Yeah I guess." I close my textbook and reach over for the remote. I press play on Cheaper by the dozen two and lean back against the couch. "So is that Luke kid your boyfriend?" I snort in laughter. "No, I don't have a boyfriend. Obviously." He looks confused. "Obviously?" He seriously doesn't get it?

"Yes, I mean look at me."

"I am.  And I see a beautiful, young lady." I look away and snort again. I am not beautiful. This boy has bad eye sight. He grabs my chin and turns my head to face him. "You are beautiful." He says and then his lips are on mine. I fire ignites somewhere in me and I kiss him back. I seperate my lips to let his tongue in and we deepen the kiss. He leans back on the couch taking me with him so that I am sitting on his lap. Our tongues wrestle for dominance as I start moving my hips against him. I can feel how turned on he is and It makes me moan into his mouth.  He removes his lips and I whimper at the lose of contact.  He places his lips on my neck and starts kissing and biting his way up. I place my lips back on his and I put my hands in his hair and pull, wich makes him groan and kiss me harder. How far am I going to let this go? Not far, I know what I'm doing, don't I? I hope so. The sound of the door opening interrupts my thoughts and I pull away from Mason panting. He's doing the same as he stares at me. That was amazing. I can tell he feels the same because I can see his arousal through his jeans. What in the world! My mom walks through the front door.  As she takes in the sight in front of her a huge smile spreads across her face. "Hello, who are you?"

"I'm, Mason. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too dear. Are you staying for dinner?"

"No thats Okay I have to get going." And with that he gets you and walks out the door,  not even looking at me once.

Mason's POV

"You are beautiful" I tell her and then I bring my lips to hers. The kiss deepens as our tongues entertwine. I lean against the couch and bring her with me so that she is sitting on my lap. This feels so good and so right.. Hearing her moan does things to me. What is this girl doing to me? She starts moving her hips on me and the feeling is undesribable.  I remove my mouth earning a whimper from Lacey. I slowly kiss and bite my way up her neck which only makes her moan again. God, I love that sound. She places her lips on mine and continues kissing me. Her hands pull at my hair and I groan with makes her moan in response. This girl is a great kisser. Were interrupted by the door opening, and Lacey quickly hops off of me. Shit,  Sara! Do I really feel that bad about it? I'm not sure! But I know that I have to get out of here to think.

Lacey's POV

Dinner seemed to long. Probably because my mom kept asking me questions about Mason. Who I don't want to talk about right now. Why didn't he look at me when he left? Does he regret kissing me? There are too many questions bouncing around in my head as I drift off to sleep.

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