Chapter 7

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"Lacey, what are you doing here?" Mason asks with curiosity. "I could ask you the same thing. I mean seriously Mason you always seem to show up wherever I go." I snap.  I don't really feel like talking to him, but I don't want to leave this party either. "So this is Mason." Vanessa has a sinister looking grin on her face. "He's hot." she wispers a little to loud. Mason looks shocked and I can feel the redness spreading across my face. "Uh, thanks?" He says. " I'm not stalking you Lacey if thats what you mean. I guess we just like the same things." he smiles. "Yeah, I doubt that." I scoff. "Jeez, someone is feisty tonight." he laughs. "Seriously what did I do?" he stupidly asks. I roll my eyes. He is seriously asking me that question, how stupid could he possibbly be? "Dumbass." Vanessa says rather loudly. "Oops did I say that out loud?" she smiles. I love this girl, she's freaking hillarious. "Do you guys want to play truth or dare?" Miles asks. Where the heck did he come from? I actually kinda want to play. "Sure." Vanessa, Seirra, Luke and I say in unison. Miles leads us over to a couch and we all sit down, Mason included. I suddenly get an idea. I hop up and walk over to find Emmett. I see him sititng in a chair with cup in his hand and I make my way over to him. "Hey." he smiles up at me. "Hey, you wanna play truth or dare with me and my friends?" He stands up and and stands next to me. "Sure." he says and I grab his hand. He looks down at our entwined fingers, and for a second I think he will remove his hand. It was just a friendly gesture and I am kinda drunk so I don't really know what I am doing. When I see him smile I relax a little. When we get back to my friends, Mason looks down at mine and Emmett's hands and something changes in his eyes. Is that jelousy? I doubt it. I quickly push those thoughts to the back of my mind and sit down, Emmett sits down next to me and he looks at Mason. "Hey what up Wheeler? I haven't seen you in a while." Mason smiles a fake smile and looks away. What is his problem? "So are we going to start or what?" I ask annoyance clear in my voice. "Yeah lets do this." Miles says. "Okay, whose starting?" Seirra raises her hand. "I will. Okay, Vanessa truth or dare?." 


"Do you think Vanessa is smokin?" He looks over at her and smiles. "Yes." he answers truthfully ans I see Vanessa smile next to him.  After several rounds go by, where we all do random, crazy shit, including Luke licking Seirras nose, Vanessa biting a strangers finger, and me dancing on a table to the song Shots, it's Vanessa's turn. "Emmett, truth or dare?" he looks up at her, "dare." She looks over at Mason and smiles that sinister smile again. "I dare you to kiss Lacey." now I see what she is up to, I think she is trying to make Mason jelous and by the look on his face I can see that it's working. Emmett looks at me "Is that okay?" he asks me for permission. I smile at him "yeah of course. It's just a kiss right?" I laugh and he lowers his mouth down to mine.  His lips are warm and his mouth tastes of beer.  I pull away as I see Mason stand up and walk away and into a bedroom at the end of the hallway. Even though I'm mad at him I have an unwelcome urge to follow him and see whats wrong. I stand up and start walking towards the hallway. "Where ya going Lacey?" Emmett asks me. "I'll be right back." I smile at him and go after Mason. I jog down the hallway and stop outside the bedroom door. I can hear him talking on the phone. "It's over!" he shouts. "I just don't feel the same way about you, yes there is someone else. I don't care, goodbye!" I wait a few more seconds to hear more talking but I don't so I push the door open and find Mason pacing back and forth in the bedroom with his hands running throughbhis hair. When he sees me his face darkens. "What?" he snaps. I am shocked for a minute, what is his problem? "I came to see what was wrong, you don't have to get an attitude with me." I casually tell him. "Oh, but it's okay if you have in attitude with me all night, and then you go and kiss that douch bag Emmett!" he screams. "First of all I have my reasons to have a attitude with you and you have none to have one with me! Secondly don't talk about Emmett that way, he did nothing to you, and who the fuck cares if I kiss him? I can kiss who I want when I want. That doesn't mean that I'm going to go around kisisng people, but seriously why does it matter if I kiss Emmett, it was just a kiss, and you have no reason to be mad about that." I tell him. "Oh yeah, and what are your so called reasons?" he asks me rudely. "Well let me see. Oh yeah, you lie about being bad at biology and come to my house. You kiss me and don't even look at afterwards before you leave. Then at  school today you completely ignore me, and your all up on Sarah, and then you try to talk to me in class? What the hell is that shit?" I scream. "I care." he says. "Care about what?" I ask him annoyed. "I care that you kissed Emmett." he suprises me by saying. "You what?" I swear I heard him wrong, he doesn't care. "I care." he steps towards me, "It makaes me mad, jelous even, that you kissed him. He takes another step towards me and I can feel his breath on my face. It smells of spearmint, and it sparks something in me. I reach up,  put my hands in his hair and bring his head down,, connecting my lips my his. I run my tongue across his bottom lip and he groans, giving me full access. His tongue is soft against mine, and I find myself wanting more. He pushes me up against the wall and kisses me harder, I moan into his mouth, and tug on his hair, earning a groan from him. His hands travel down my body, to my bottom and he squeezes, then continues running his hands down my body to my  thighs. he grips my thighs and lifts them up, I wrap my legs around his waist and pull his hair again. He presses his hand to my back to keep me against him, and walks over to the bed. He sits down and I stay on his lap. I start rocking my hips and his hands wrap around them willing me to continue. We continue kissing, and then there is a knock at the door. We stop kissing but I don't pull away this time. "Are you guys coming back out here?" Luke's voice calls from behind the door. "Yeah." I shout back and I hear him walk away. "Ready to go back out there?" I look down at Mason. "I guess." he groans and kisses me swiftly on the lips before standing up and taking me with him. He kisses my nose and sets me on my feet. I giggle at him and he grabs my hand and entertwines his fingers in mine. I smile up at him and open the door. When we walk out Vanessa and Seirra's eyes travel to mine and Mason's intertwined hands and they smile. "Yeah! get it." Vanessa says enthusiastically. I playfully roll my eyes at her and sit down on the couch. I notice that Emmett is gone, I wonder where he went.

Mason walks me to Luke's car, and he kisses me and tells me he will see me tomorrow before he says goodbye and walks to his own car. I exchange goodbyes with Vanessa and Seirra and get in Luke's car and wait for him to say goodbye to Seirra. I look at the radio and see that it's 2;05 in the morning. I'm sure my mom will understand. It's Friday night, I made two friends, I went to an awesome party, and I'm pretty sure that I have a boyfriend. I am proud to admit that this is one of the best nights of my entire life.

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