Chapter 21

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Two days have passed since my mom came home from the hospital. Taking care of her is hard work, but I'm happy that she's here. But, I probably should go to school today, considering I missed half the week already.

I force myself to get out of bed, and walk down the hall. I tap lightly on my mom's bedroom door, before opening it and walking in. My mom is awake and lying on her back with a book in her lap. For some reason she became obsessed with the Twilight series. I haven't read them because I didn't feel like wasting a week of my life. Yes, I love books but, I don't care for those ones.

"I'm going to go to school today, if that's okay." My voice startles her. "Honey, you don't have to ask to go to school. In fact you need to go to school weither you want to or not." She smiles at me. "I know, but I just want to make sure that you are going to be okay." I say. "I'm fine Lacey. I know your worried about me, but you can't stop your life to deal with mine. Besides, it's just a broken arm. Mark is coming over anyway, so go to school. Do something fun after if you want. Your only a teenager once." She smiles at me. "Okay, I'll see you later. I love you mom." I say and then close her door. I walk back to my bedroom and pull on some shorts and a white T-shirt.

After brushing my teeth and hair, I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk downstairs. I slide my flip flops on and grab my keys before walking out the door.

When I get in the car, I pull out my phone to read a text from Mason.
Are you going to be in school today? I send a reply back saying, Yeah, on my way now.

Okay, see you soon. I love you.

I love you too.

After I send my message, I toss my phone onto the seat next to me and start my car. I decide to stop and get coffee before going to school. I pull into Starbucks and order a frappe.

When I get to school, I grab my phone and bag then get out of my car. I just make it through the door before I am basically tackled by Vanessa and Seirra. They seem to do this a lot. "Get off of me." I groan and laugh at the same time. "Sorry, we missed you. Neither of us were sure when you were going to come back." Vanessa says when they finally let me breath. "Have you ever heard of cell phones?" I tease. She points her middle finger at me in a joking matter, and I don't hesitate to do the same.

"Lacey!" I look over and see Luke and Miles walking towards us. "Where have you been?" Luke asks and gives me a hug and then Miles does the same. What is this, hug Lacey day? Luke walks over and puts his arm around Seirra. I look over and notice that Vanessa and Miles are holding hands. They're finally dating? I'm going to have to talk to her about this. Jeez, I have only been gone a couple days, but it feels like weeks.

I look around trying to find the person that I really want to see. When I see Mason walking towards me, I'm pretty sure a smile lights up my face. I start walking towards him and meet him half way, so that we are standing in the middle of the hallway. "I missed you." He says and wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his waist and nuzzle my head on his chest. "I missed you too." I say and tilt my head up to kiss him. I grab his hand and we walk over to our friends. "Oh, do you guys want to do something after school?" I look at Vanessa and Seirra. "Definitely." They both say in unison and all three of us smile.


The day flies by and before I know it, its time to go home. I have no idea what Vanessa, Seirra, and I are going to do. But I do know, that after all that's happened, I deserve a day of fun.

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