Chapter 22

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It's freaking hot out! I'm waiting on my driveway for Vanessa and Sierra to show up. I know I could wait in the house, but I don't want to.

When Seirra's car pulls up I see Vanessa in the front seat with her and a girl that I don't know is in the backseat. I open the back door and climb in next to the stranger. She has black hair that's pulled into a ponytail and she's thin. "This is my sister, Sarina." Vanessa says from the front seat. "Older sister." Serina corrects her. "Hey, I'm Lacey." I smile at Sarina. "Is anyone else hungry?" Seirra shouts from the drivers seat.

Minutes later we pull into the KFC drive through. "Should we get potatoes too?" Seirra asks. "No! I hate potatoes." Sarina replies. What? "You don't like potatoes!" I half shout. "Nope." She replies dryly. "How can you not like potatoes?" I ask. "I just don't"

After Seirra and Vanessa get theirs, they pass the chicken bucket back to us. Sarina grabs a peice and study's it. "What the hell is this! This motherfucking piece of godamn chicken is so fucking crispy." Jeez, she cusses like a sailor. "Did you know that chicken company's hire people to take the sperm out of chickens and pluck their feathers." She says next to me. Well, she's just full of fun facts, isn't she?

"So, where are we going?" I ask. "To go roller skating." Vanessa answers. Roller skating? Shoot, my ass is going to be bruised by the end of the night. "Okay."


When we walk inside I see Mason, Luke, and Miles across the room sitting at a table. I didn't know that they were supposed to be here. Mason looks over and sees me and a smile lights up his face. He gets up and walks over to me. Wrapping his arms around me he leans down to kiss me. "Hi, beautiful." He says. When I turn around I see Vanessa, Seirra, and Sarina smiling at me. "What?" I admolish. "Nothing, nothing." Sarina says and they all look away. What was that about?

I wonder if Emmett is coming. I haven't seen him since the party and I miss him. He was a good friend. Well is a good friend. Anyway, I should probably go get my roller blades.

I walk over to the front counter and the lady behind it smiles at me. "What size?" She asks. "Eights please." I tell her and she puts a pair of shoes on the counter.


After falling on my butt about twelve times, I finally get the hang of it. By the time I make it around the ring once without falling, the lights start to dim and the disco ball comes down. "Now it's time for couples skate." The MC says over the microphone. As Mason pulls me against him, I see Vanessa come over with Miles, and Seirra come over with Luke. They really make good couples. I hope Mason and I make a good couple. I think we do, and I'm pretty sure he does too. I look up at Mason and kiss him. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." He answers as the song ends.

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