Chapter 6

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 They're both panting and Seirra's face is really red, I'm assuming from embarrasment. I would be embarrassed too. I look at Luke and he doesn't look as embarrased but you can still tell that he is. We all stare akwardly at eachother for a few minutes until Vanessa breaks the silence. "So, how long have you two been sucking face?" she asks , her voice laced with amusment. Seirra's eyes widen. "About five minutes." Luke calmy answers back. I look at Seirra' sface and it seems to be getitng redder and redder with each pasisng second. " So what do you guys want to do?" I ask trying to change the subject for her sake.  " Ooh I know. Lets go to a party!" Vanessa answers. " You remeber that one party we were supposed to go to tonight right Seirra? We should bring them with us." Seirra nods her head in agreement, her face has returned to its normal color now that the subject has changed. " Yeah I remeber. Do you guys want to come with us?" she looks at Luke and then me. " Umm." why am I hesitating? " Please it will be fun." Vanessa pouts. Now that I think about it a party does sound like a lot of fun. "Yeah I'll go." I smile, "Luke, are you in?" He looks at Seirra and smiles at her. "Yeah I'm in. Lets go."

I chose to ride with Seirra and Vanessa while Luke follows behind us in his car. " So Lacey do you have a boyfriend?" Seirra asks me from the drivers seat. "No, not exactly." Vanessa looks at me confused, "what do you mean by not exactly?" I decide to tell them about Mason. " Okay, so there is this one boy, but it's so confusing." Seirra looks over at me momentarily and then back at the road " what do you mean by confusing?"  I decide not to leave anything out. " Well, for starters I met him on my first day and he gave me a tour of the school even though I told him I didnt want one. Him and his friends sat with me at lunch the next day and I found out he has a girlfriend named Sarah. Anyway, he asked me if I could help him with his Biology assignment so he came over to my house to study. But the thing his he is great at Biology so I wasnt sure why he asked me for help. Yesterday he asked me for help again, and when he came to my house we were talking and he called me beautiful for like the 5th time this week, and he eneded up kissing me. I mean really kissing me. But my mom came home and it was obvious we had been kisisng considering we were both panting when she walked through the front door.  He left almost immedietly and he didnt even look at me. So today at school I wasn't sure what to ecspect. I didn't know if he broke up with Sarah or not. But when I walked through the building doors my questions were answered when I saw him leaning against his locker with his arm wrapped around Sarah's waist. He didn't look at me when I walked past him, but yet he tried talking to me in Biology, of course I ignored him. I'm just not sure what to ecspect." i finally finish my long ass story. " Wow I would be confused too." Vanessa frowns. " No offense but he sounds like a jerk. Whats his name" Seirra says and I can't help but agree with her.  " I agree with you one hundred percent. Oh and his name is Mason. Do you know him?"  I finish my sentence as we pull up to a house that looks packed and has about 50 cars in front of it. "No." Seirra says at the same time Vanessa shouts "Were here."   and hops out of the car. Seirra and I follow behind her and wait by the car for Luke to show up. When Luke gets out of his car he comes over to Seirra and grabs her hand, as we all make our way to the house by walking across the lawn. I was right. The house is packed. There seems to be over 100 poeple here. Music is blasting through the speakers and some people are dancing on tables. This party seems wild. I like it! Seirra pulls Luke through the crowd until I can no longer see them, and Vanessa and I make our way through the crowd and to the achohal. I know we are underage but who cares? It's just one drink. I grab a jamaica me happy out of a cooler, and Vanessa grabs one too. We make our way over to a couch and plop down on it.  But I decide I don't want to sit down and I end up standing back up. Vanessa stands up with me and I take a drink of my beverage. " What do you want to do?" I spot a few kids gathered around a table throwing ping pong balls into red cups. "Want to play beer pong?" I ask Vanessa she nods her head in excitment adn we head for the group of people playing. "Mind if we join you?" I ask a blonde haired boy. "Sure, you can join but you have to tell me your name first." he smiles at me and strangely it makes me blush. "Im Lacey, this is Vanessa." I point to my side at Vanessa but she is already deep in converstaion with a boy who is leaning against the wall and smiling at her while she is talking. "Whats your name?" I turn my attention back to the stranger. "My name is Emmett." I seem to really like that name as I find myself smiling up at him. "So are we palying or what?" He smirks at me , "Are you sure your up for it" he laughs. " Oh you bet." I smirk back and start laughing.

So far I have made 5 shots in a row. I better keep doing this good! It's Vanessa's turn now and as she throws someone shouts "miss." It seems to work as the ball goes right over the cup. "Thanks alot Miles." she grumbles at the stranger she was talking to earlier, and he smiles at her. They seems to like eachother.  Other people go, and they are doing really good. By the end of the game Vanessa and I have drinken at least 4 cups of beer each. I learned that I hate the taste of beer today. Me and Vanessa walk over and sit back down on the couch. I hear someone call my name and I see Seirra and Luke walking over to us. " Look who I found." Seirra says and Mason walks out from behind her.

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