Chapter 11

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Mason's POV

I'm kind of nervous about my date with Lacey, and I never get nervous. I told her to wait for me in the field after school. I start walking towards the door, and someone grabs my arm. I turn around to face Sarah glaring at me. What the fuck does she want? "What the fuck do you want?" I snarl. "To talk." She motions for me to follow her, and stupidly I do.  She leads me into an empty classroom and she sits on the edge of the desk. "Are you sure you were thinking clearly when you broke up with me?" She asks. "Yes for once in my life I was. Who wouldn't break up with you?" I spit. I know I'm being harsh, but she needs to let this go. I'm done with her and she needs to accept that. "But I can make you feel better than she ever could." She steps closer to me. "I can make you harder than she can." She takes another step towards me so that our faces are almost touching.  What the hell is she doing? She presses her lips to mine and I almost gag. It feels so different from kissing Lacey. Bad different. I stop my thoughts and realize that she is still kissing me. I pull away from her and see Emmett looking through the door window. Shit! This most likely looks like something it's not. "What the fuck was that?" I scream at her. "I was trying to make you remember." Remeber? "Remember what?" I question. "How well I can make you feel." She states. "You can't make me remember something that never happened!" I spit and push away from her. I have to get to Lacey before Emmett. I push outside and run in the field. She's lying in the grass with her eyes closed. She looks so beautiful, the way the sun is hitting her face and she looks so delicate laying there. I'm happy that I got here before Emmett did. I don't want anything to ruin this date.

Lacey's POV(next morning)

A buzzing noise wakes me up. I open my eyes and I see my phone lit up. I look over at my clock before answering my phone. "Hello?" I croak "Lacey?" Vanessa's voice comes through the speaker. Why is she calling at three in the morning? "Okay, umm, I love you and everything, but why the hell are you calling at three in the morning?" She is seriously crazy. "It's blue hell." She corrects. "But that's your thing." I correct her back. "Anyway, Miles asked me out on a date!" She squeals. Vanessa squealing? "That's great." Even though I already knew, but she doesn't need to know that.

After a half hour conversation with Vanessa on the phone, I close my eyes and drift back off to sleep.


The drive to school took longer today, due to construction. When I get out of my car I see Emmett walking towards me. I meet him in the middle of the parking lot. "I need to talk to you, now!" He says and starts walking towards the back of the building. I follow behind him. "I saw something yesterday." He says. "What." He takes a deep breath and opens his mouth to speak. "I saw Mason and Sarah kissing yesterday." All the air leaves my lungs. He said they were just talking! I'm suddenly filled with anger as I reach up and kiss Emmett. I know my thoughts are masked by anger right now, but I don't really care. He can kiss someone else while were dating, so why can't I? Before I know it , Emmett is pushing me against the wall and kissing me back. It doesn't feel the same as kissing Mason. I pull away from Emmett, I can't use him like this. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done." I tell him and walk away.

When I walk inside Mason is waiting for me. I ignore him and walk straight to class.

I storm into the classroom and plop down on my seat. "What's wrong?" Luke asks me. I go into full detail about Mason's kiss with Sarah and my kiss with Emmett to get revenge. "Wow, that's one messed up relationship."

Avoiding Mason has been surprisingly easy. But now I have Biology, the one class that I have with Mason. When I walk in the classroom Mason is already in his seat. I would usually sit next to him, but instead I walk to the back of the classroom and sit down. I look up and see Mason walking towards me. He sits down in the seat next to me "hey." I ignore him. "Why are you ignoring me?" He asks. "I kissed Emmett today." I say with a neutral expression. He stands up, "you what?" He shouts. People are looking at us now. Really he has the nerve to yell at me. I cant hold my anger in anymore. I stand up " oh I see, its okay for you to kiss Sarah, but I cant kiss Emmett?" I shout back at him.  I watch his face change from angry to shocked. I walk towards the front of the room and out the door, not even bothering to turn around and see if he's following me.

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