Chapter 25

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I wake to the beeping of my alarm clock and stretch before lazily climbing out of bed. I walk to the bathroom and quickly undress before stepping in the shower. The water is hot when it hits my back, but doesn't burn. I quickly wash and condition my hair before running the lufa down my body. After rinsing my body off, I lean down to shut off the water and step out of the shower. Grabbing a towel, I wrap it around my body and walk into my bedroom. I stop in front off my dresser and grab a bra and panties before putting them on. I grab a pair of my jean shorts and a plain tee-shirt, then slide them on over my underwear. I head back to the bathroom to blow dry my hair.

When I'm done, I go downstairs. My mom is standing in front of the stove, flipping pancakes when I enter the kitchen. I sit down at the counter and she sets a plate of pancakes down in front of me. "Thank you." I say and then dig in. "Your welcome. Oh, since your cars in the shop, do you want a ride to school?" I look up and swallow before answering her. "No, thats okay. Mason is giving me a ride. Thank you though." She nods and turns back to the stove. I'm glad that we are on better terms. That talk we had the other night really helped us solve our problems.

A car horn interrupts my thoughts. "That must be Mason." I say and stand up. I set my plate in the sink before kissing my mom on the cheek. "Bye." I slide on my flip flops, grab my bag and walk out the door.

"Hi beautiful." Mason says when I get in the car and leans over to kiss me. "Hi handsome." I say and kiss him back.

The rest of the car ride is spent discussing breakfast food and within five minutes we are at school. I grab my bag and climb out of the car before walking to the back of it. Mason grabs my hand and we walk hand in hand into the building.

Mason walks me to class and kisses me goodbye before walking the opposite way to his class. I walk to the back and take my usual spot next to Luke. "Long time no see." He jokes. "It's only been a weekend." I say with a blank expression. "Yeah, but didn't you miss me?" He pouts. "Don't flatter yourself." I snort in a joking manner. He fakes a pained expression and puts a hand over his heart for dramatic effect. "Your such a drama queen!" I roll my eyes while laughing. "Don't you mean drama king?" Hr corrects me and starts laughing too.


By the time lunch finay gets here, I'm starving. Mason sits down next to me while I'm taking a huge bite of my cheese burger. "Very lady like." He jokes with sarcasm clear in his voice. I smile at him. "You love me anyways." I say. "Yes, I do." He says and gives me a kiss on my forehead. "You guys are ridiculously cute." Vanessa says from across the table. Where did she come from? "Umm...thanks." I say. "Have you guys had nargh nargh yet?" She looks back and forth between us. "What's that?" I ask and raise my bottle to take a drink. "Have you had sex?" She says and I nearly choke on my water. "What kind of question is that?" I ask horrified.

"A simple one. "

"Your crazy."

"You still didn't answer my question."

"And I'm not going to."

"Why not?"

"Have you and Miles?" I ask to turn the tables.

"That's personal information."

"Oh so you can ask about our personal life but we can't ask about yours?" I smile.

"Precisely." She smiles a sweet smile and everyone else sits at the table. "What are you guys taking about?" Emmett asks. "Nothing!" I say quickly...too quickly and everyone looks at me. "What?" I ask and start laughing. Why am I laughing? Thankfully no one questions my behavior and they continue eating. Mason squeezes my hand under the table and smiles at me. I smile back and finish my burger.


"Lacey Blackburn." I look up at the teacher from my notes. "Your needed in the principles office." I grab my stuff and look over at Mason. He gives me a confused look and I shrug my shoulders before walking out the door. While walking down the hallway, I can't help but wonder why I'm being called down. I don't think I did anything. I guess I'll find out in a minute.

When I walk into the office my mom is standing there dressed casually in khaki shorts and a tee shirt with a smile on her face. "Why did I get called down here?" I ask her. "They found her." Her smile widens. "Who?" I draw my eyebrows together in confusion. "Lacey, they found Rebecca."

The end

A/N Well guys, that's the end. I think I am going to write a sequel. I will let you guys know if I decide to write one. To all of you guys that have commented on and voted for my story, thank you so much. I wouldn't have finished this story if it wasn't for your support. I love you all! Oh and good news! I have another story:) its called the Bad Boy Stole My Sneakers and you can find it under my works. Again, thank you guys so much. Should I write a sequel? Comment if I should. Love you guys. Xoxo

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