Chapter 19

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(A/N the picture above is who I picture as Lacey's mom.)

"Do you want me to stay?" Mason asks as we he pulls into my driveway. "Yes." I know he stayed last night, but I don't want to be alone tonight. I have too many unwanted thoughts jumbled in my head, and I'm not sure what will happen if no one else is here. Besides, I like sleeping in the same bed with him. It makes me

When he  parks the car, I get out and walk to the door.  I search my bag for the keys, but I don't find them. Then I remember that I didn't grab them. Shit! How are we supposed to get in now? What did I do to deserve all this crap.  "I don't have the keys." I say and start crying.  I hate how emotional I am right now. I hate when people see me cry, but right now I really don't give a shit. My mom could die any minute. I deserve to cry.

"We could try a window maybe." Mason says. I almost forgot that we were locked out. I nod and follow him.

After trying every window on the first floor, we decide to try my balcony door. So Mason climbs up to it, like something out of a movie. The only difference is, the girl is supposed to be up there waiting. Not locked out of her house. Thankfully the door is unlocked and Mason comes down to let me in.

The second he opens the door, I head straight for the stairs. When I get to my room, I collapse onto the bed and start crying again. I need to stop crying, but I can't. I hate that I can't control my emotions right now. I feel Mason sit on the bed next to me, but I don't look to make sure. He lays down next to me and pulls me into his arms. This only makes me cry harder. He's been so comforting, and I'm being a blubbery mess. Don't guys hate being around crying girls? What is happening to me? I hate sexist people, and here I am acting like one. Mason shifts so that he is looking down at me and he pulls my hands away from my face.

Mason's POV

"Baby, what's wrong? That was a stupid question. I know what's wrong, but it's something more than that. Talk to me, please." I beg. She sits up and wipes her eyes. "All that's happened in the last two days, is too much." She sobs. "If I lose my mom I'll have no one and I will be completely alone." She continues crying. "You'll have me, and your friends." I says defensively. "I know, but eventually you'll leave." She covers her face with her hands. I pull them away and force her to look at me. "I will not leave." I force myself to say what I have wanted to tell her since our first date. "Lacey Blackburn, I love you. I promise with my life that I will do anything to stay with you."

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