Chapter 20

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Lacey's POV

"Lacey Blackburn, I love you. I promise with my life that I parted do anything to stay with you."

I gape at him, shocked. I'm sure my eyes are wide and despite all that has happened recently, I can't help but smile at his revelation. He loves me. When he said these words, something inside me clicked. We have only been dating a couple months, but I know what my heart wants. "I love you too." I say as a tear falls down my face. He uses his thumb to wipe away my tears, and leans in to kiss me. The usual fire inside me ignites as my lips part, allowing his tongue access. I pull away from our kiss and look at him. "I want to." I whisper. His eyes widen as he realizes what I'm talking about. "Are you sure?" He asks and I nod. "I want to hear you say it." He softly demands. "Yes, I'm sure." I've heard that losing your virginity hurts, but I'm willing to welcome the pain if it's with Mason. I love him, and I don't want it to be with anyone else. He smiles and leans back in to kiss me. His hands travel down my body and rest on my hips. He grabs the hem of my tee-shirt and breaks from the kiss to pull it over my head. Next come my pants, and then I help him undress himself. Leaning over he kisses me again and reaches behind me to unsnap my bra. The straps slide down my arms and I raise them. The bra drops on the bed. He looks down at my chest and sucks in a breath. His hands grip my shoulders as he lowers me onto the bed. His eyes suddenly widen, "Shit, I don't have a condom." I almost laugh at this thought because he should have thought before undressing me and himself. But, thankfully I have one. I reach into my nightstand drawer and pull out a foil packet. I hand it to him and he raises an eyebrow at me. "Why do you.." but I cut him off. "I'll tell you later." He looks down at me and asks again. "Are you sure?" I smile up at him "Yes, stop asking me that." He removes his boxers and rolls the condom on. He removes my panties and hovers over me. I feel a weird pinching sensation as he pushes into me and stills. "Can I move?" He asks and I nod. It goes like this for a few minutes and he asks if I'm okay many times before the pinching finally starts to go away. After a couple more minutes, Mason collapses onto me. His body weight pressing me into the mattress.

I wince as he pulls out of me and he rolls off of me. "Are you okay?" He asks with wide eyes. "Yes. I'm okay, just tired." I honestly answer. Mason slips his boxers back on and hands his shirt to me. I slip it over my head and lay down on my side. I feel him climb in behind me and pull me against him. "Sleep beautiful." He kisses my head and turns off the light and I allow sleep to overtake me.


I open my eyes and there is light flooding through the blinds and into the room. I turn to look at a sleeping Mason. He has his arm wrapped around my waist, and his legs are tangled with mine. I slowly climb out of his embrace, careful not to wake him and walk to the bathroom.

When I get out of the shower, I quietly pad over to my dresser and pull out some clothes. My body is a little sore, but other than that I feel great. I slip on my bra and panties, then pull up my pants and slip a shirt over my head. I want to go see my mom today, but I'm not sure if I should wait for Mason to wake up or not. I decide that I should and walk over to him. I lean down at plant a kiss on his lips. "Wake up." I shake his arm. He stirs and opens his eyes. "Good morning Beautiful. How do you feel?" He asks while sitting up. "I feel fine, actually. Now get up." I playfully swat his arm. "I want to go see my mom."


"So, why did you have that condom?" Mason asks me while the song, take me to church, is playing in the background. Shoot, I was hoping he wouldn't remember. "My mom." I hope he doesn't ask why she gave me one. I really don't feel like telling him about her giving me a whole box after her safe sex speech. I still can't believe she did that. It was the first day I met Mason, and she thought I would do that so soon. That woman is nuts, but I love her and if she dies I don't think I could handle it.

Thankfully the rest of the car ride to the hospital was silent. I get a visitors pass from the front desk and ride the elevator up to her floor.

When I walk into the room, I immediately sit in the seat next to her bed. When I grab her hand it feels warm. That's a good sign, right? I sure hope so. I start talking to her about random things and about how I really want her to come back to me, when I feel something squeeze my hand. Did she looking I look down and her hand squeezes mine again. What is going on? Dostreamingean she is going to wake up? I start crying and I grip her hand harder. "Mom, i know you can hear me. Please please, come back to me. I love you so much and I don't know what I would do without you. I've already lost Dad and Rachel, I can't lose you too." I put my face in my hands and start full on sobbing. "Lacey?" I hear someone croak and I remove my hands. My mom's eyes are open and lookimg at me. She's awake! I lean over and hug her while tears are still streaking down my face. "Thank you. You're back! I was so scared you were going to leave me." I cry into her shoulder, catious of her broken arm. She runs her hand soothingly down my head, "I would never leave you sweetie. I promise."


"She can come home in a couple days." The docter smiles at me amd I thank him.

After saying goodbye to my mom, Mason and I leave. When we pull into my driveway Mason asks if I want him to stay but I politly turn him down. Its not that I dont want him here, I do. But, he needs to go home and put some clean clothes on, take a shower, do homework, or whatever it is he does. I give him a kiss, "I love you." I say as I'm opening the car door. "I love you too."

I can't help but smile as I close the front door behind me. My moms awake! I cross my fingers, hoping that no more bad things come my way.

(A/N Hey guys! Thank you so muxh for reading! We finally made it to 1k reads! I'm sorry that this and the last chapter were kinda boring, but the excitment will be back. I promise!! Love you guys. Keep reading!)

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