Chapter 16

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(A/N the picture above is who I picture as Seirra)

The officer- I think his name is Neil- leads us through a door and into a bright little room.  There is a table with four chairs surrounding it and a huge window on the wall to our right. I look over at the window and I can see another room on the opposite side. I've seen these types of rooms on TV shows and in movies. My mom and I take a seat at the table, and two men walk into the room on the other side of the window. One of them is officer Neil and I can only assume who the other guy is. I take a deep breath to calm myself. While officer Neil is asking him questions,  I examine him. He has greasy dark hair, and a skinny face. His eyes are almost dark as night and he has bags under them. His skin is extremely pale. This guy looks like a drug addict. He looks over at the window and smiles a sinister, sly smile. I freeze. Can he see me? "Don't worry, he can't see you." One of the other officers assures me. I turn back to face the window and I notice that officer Neil is no longer in the room with that..thing. "Do you know who that is, because I don't." I turn to face my mom. "No." She simply answers. I can tell that if she gets one push she will fall over the edge. This is too much for her, for both of us actually.

I hear the door open and I turn to face the noise, Officer Neil is standing there. "Do either of you recognize him?" He asks. "No. We don't." I answer for both my mom and myself. "Okay then, thank you for coming. I'm glad that we finally found the man that did this to your husband. I know that not knowing must have been a lot to deal with." He frowns. I need to know something before we leave here. So I ask the question that I have wanted to know since we got here, "what's his name?" Officer Neil stops staring at my mom and focuses his attention on me. "His name is Thomas Sanders."

We meet Vanessa and Seirra in the waiting room and I choose to ride with them. My mom needs time to herself. I give her a hug before I go. "I love you." I tell her and she says it back. I jog over and get into Seirra's car. "Are you okay?" Seirra asks as they both turn to face me. "Yeah I'm fine. Honestly, it feels like a weight has been lifted, but also like one has been added back on. I'm happy that we know who did it, but I'm sad because finding out who it was meant dragging it back up again. But im fine. I promise." I smile at both of them and Seirra turns around and puts the car in reverse. Vanessa is still facing me. "Want to go to the mall?" Yes. "Sure." I say ad Seirra pulls out onto the road.

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