Chapter 18

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(A/N the picture above is who I picture as Miles.)

I wake with a start. I'm too hot.  The only light in the room is from the moon, seeping through the blinds. I unwrap myself from Mason, careful not to wake him, and walk out my bedroom door and down the hall. I stop outside my mom's room and peak inside. Her bed is empty. Where is she? Maybe downstairs? I close her door and walk down the stairs. I check the kitchen and living room, but she is nowhere to be found. I glance over at the clock. 2:25! Where the heck is she? I'm starting to get worried. Did something happen to her? I'm about to walk up the stairs when I hear the phone ring. "Hello?" I ask. "Is this Lacey Blackburn?" A woman's voice asks me from the other end. "Yes." What is this about? "We have your mother, Sandra Blackburn, here at Memorial hospital. She's been in a car accident." All the air leaves my body and I drop the phone.


Mason and I sit in the waiting room and hour later. I hope she is okay. "Do you think she is okay?" I ask Mason. "I'm not sure, but I hope so." He leans down to kiss my forehead. "Everything will be okay." He tries to assure me, but it doesn't work. I look up and see one of the doctors walking towards us. I stand to my feet and Mason follows me up. "Blackburn?" He asks. "Yes." I answer him. "Okay, she only has a broken arm, along with a few cuts and bruises." I let out a breath of relief that I didn't know I was holding. "But the thing is, she's in a coma. We're not sure when she will wake up. It could be tonight , tomorrow, or a few days from now." What? "But she will wake up, right?" I frantically ask. "We're not sure. The percentages of her waking and not waking up are half and half." She needs to wake up. "Can I see her?" He nods and leads me down the hall and into a room on the left of the hallway. When I walk in, I push back a curtain and stop dead in my tracks. My mom is lying on a hospital bed with tubes sticking out in various places of her body. She looks so different, so fragile, almost like she could break with one touch. I start to cry and I feel Mason wrap me in his arms. "It's okay, she'll be alright." He rubs circles on my back. I break away from him and go to sit in the chair next to my moms bed. I grab her hand and begin talking to her. "Mom, please wake up." I beg her. "You can't leave me, not like dad did. Please, please come back to me." I kiss her on the forehead and stand up. I can't stay here long or I will break down. I look over at Mason "Can we go now." He grabs my hand and pulls me into an embrace, "of course." I give my mom another quick on the forehead, "I'll be back." I tell her hoping she can hear me through the coma.

On the car ride home, I gaze out the window. It dawns on me that if I lose my mom, I will be completely alone.

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