Chapter 8

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I can't even begin to describe last night . After Luke dropped me off I went straight to bed. Thankfully my mom wasn't awake when I got here.  I'm thankful that we played that stupid truth or dare game. If we wouldn't have played, I wouldn't have kissed Emmett wish lead to kissing Mason.  I'm pretty sure we're dating. At least I hope so.

I'm dressed, showered and on my way to  school. Even though they're really short I am loving these shorts.  I'm wearing  the dark jean ones where the pockets are bedazzled, and I have on a blue tank. I decided to wear my hair in a over  the shoulder braid.  When I get out of my car  Mason is leaning up against the wall. I walk over to him and he grabs my hand intertwining his fingers with mine. "Good morning beautiful." He says and leans down to kiss me. So that answered my question, we are dating! We walk into the building hand in hand, and I see Sarah leaning against the lockers.  She stomps over to us "you left me for her?" She laughs. "Yes." Mason states and smiles down at me. "Well I hope your happy with that decision."Sarah snaps and walks away. What was her problem? Is she seriously jealous of me? "Just ignore her." Mason looks down at me and smiles. "Lacey!" I hear someone screech and I look up to see Sierra and Vanessa barreling towards me. They slam into me and send all three of us to the ground. "Can you guys get off of me?" I laugh. "Sorry." They say and scramble to get off. Mason reaches his hand out to help me and I grab it. We all walk down the hallway together, but we split up to get to our classes. Mason walks me to geometry and he goes his separate way. I take my seat next to Luke and smile at him. "So?" He looks at me confused, "So?"  "How are things with Sierra? Are you guys dating?" I'm sure they are I just want to make sure. Just because you kiss someone doesn't mean that your automatically dating, I know this from experience. Besides, they belong together. He smiles a bright smile, which answers my question. "yeah were dating." I smile back at him "good. You guys are cute together. "

At lunch I sit with Sierra and Vanessa. As I am eating my fries Mason and Luke decide to join us. Mason sits next to me, and Luke takes a seat next to Sierra. I thought Mason would be sitting with his friends, but honestly I'm happy that he didn't. That would mean sitting with Sarah, which I don't want him to do. He steals one of my fries and sticks his tongue out at me. I roll my eyes at him and he leans in to kiss me. I would usually be embarrassed by kissing someone in front of my friends, but with Mason I don't care who sees us kissing. "Aww you guys are cute. But seriously I'm eating so can you like stop sucking face for a while? Thank you." Vanessa harshly jokes. I would never regret having her as a friend. She's  funny and cool, and she is nice when she wants to be.  We are all deep in discussion about last night when Emmett and Miles come over and take a seat. When I look around the table at everyone I realize that these are my friends and I am happy that I didn't pick anyone else except them.  I see Miles smile at Vanessa and watch her blush. When I look at Emmett he is staring at me and I look away. I wonder where he went last night. "I want to go somewhere after school, okay?" Mason asks me. "Okay." I smile up at him. I wonder where we're going.

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