Let's be Happy

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Noya's POV:
"THE SUN CANT STOP ME ENNO" the loud yell was enough to wake me up as a sat up quickly from my spot on the floor.

"Get up Tadashi!" Ennoshita yelled back just a little quieter.

"Just because we left the nursery dosent' mean you get to skip out on medication!"

No matter how much we grew up together this is normal isn't it?

I decided to lay back down and try to sleep as I enter my thoughts blocking out all the noise.

"Are you tired?"

"Wake up."

"Noya Sannnnn"


"Why won't he wake up"

"Is it really a Coma?"

"He might be dead it's been months"

I opened my eyes again to a empty room where did Enno and Yama go?

"Suga? Hinata?"

Something doesn't feel right..

It's quiet.

"Don't be scared..it won't hurt one bit.." a voice said but where is it coming from.

"Just stay quiet and don't make a noise.. shhh" a window showing a surgery room was now upon the white empty room.

I stood up walking towards the window.

A nurse.

How could I ever forget.

My nose scrunched at thought as I soon woke up from the white quite room.

Everyone is gone.

I stood up leaving the room and heading down stairs, "Sugaaaaa" I yelled out.

My eyes landed on a drowsy omega sitting on the couch with some warm milk, no wonder he's sleepy warm milk always makes him tired.

I let out a sigh before running down the stairs and taking my seat on the floor next to Suga's leg.

"So now that everyone is here we got news about Oikawa apparently he woke up after a couple hours it was meant to be a 2 day come but he woke up from it early." Daichi finally spoke.

Suga let out a small smile.

"Harumi.." Enno gave him a small glance before tears started to drop.

"Suga that wasn't your fault it happened years ago." Suga looked at him giving him a small pat.

"Oh shush Lecture me when you aren't crying" he laughed.

Suga may one of the most chaotic bitches out there but he had his mom days where he wants to take care of everyone it's not healthy is it?

"Sugaaa" Enno complained.

I busted out laughing making Enno glare at me.

"Shush gremlin."


"This bitch—"

"Ok both of you shut up before you give me a head ache." Suga said in a stern voice annoyance all over his face.

He let out a yawn "by the way Daichi don't you guys have work or something?" Daichi stared at him with a are you serious face.

"We had to work at the studio yesterday but after what happened you guys are under lock down so we'll be working from home" he said with a sigh.

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