With the Omega's

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(This is the night before the Alpha's went to the Nursery!!)

Suga's POV

I was heading back to my nursery room I shared with my friend's when I heard another Omega making Rumors about Hinata and Yamaguchi.They are high classed Omega's being too innocent and acting like toddlers.Hinata a small energetic Omega, pepole think he's a Bratty Omega when all he wants are new friends.Yamaguchi a Small freckled Omega he's timid barely talks and is usually napping next to ennoshita while he reads sometimes I wonder if he's actully okay i heard him silently crying in ennoshita's arms but I didn't want to intrupt.

Ennoshita is a quite Omega he dosent talk much he's the second mom in our nursery room,He reads most of the time and keeps everyone in check.

Oikawa might seem a bit bratty but he's pretty insecure he's usually practicing new make up on Akaashi and Kenma.

Akaashi and Kenma are pretty quite kenma talks to yamaguchi about new games since he's been one of the only ones who are usually never busy,Akaashi watches Kenma play,or goes and sketches what he thinks the outside world is. We're usually never outside and most of the time we just go to a new home but we aren't allowed outside this nursery,it is our only home.

Atsumu is always with Oikawa since they basically have the same personality nothing there really.Noya is like Hinata just more troublesome.

Before, I knew it I was standing infront of our nursery room there is a window infront of our playing place only visable to the one's outside the room. That's where the Alpha's view us and there I saw Yamaguchi wrapped in a blanket next to kenma but everyone else was missing,probably in they're nesting rooms where we slept.

Kenma's POV:

I woke up to Suga shaking me and yamaguchi to wake up,I rubbed my eyes due to the light.Yamaguchi sat up and stood up going to get Ennoshita so that he could make us some strawberry milk.I looked around its hard to believe that we've been in here for so long a pink room filled with toys and gaming devices we have our own nesting rooms,kitchen,play room, bathrooms,and a lot more.The only down fall was that we're treated like dolls we have to be cute and so what for our alpha's.

We are unmarked Omega's even tho we are high classed due to our looks but,that dosent change the fact that we're sick so we get daily shots and pills.I know this will change soon, I'm scared we're getting alphas tommorow morning Suga dosent know yet since he went to take his medicine.No one else heard but I heard Oikawa crying I'm not one to feel sympathy but Oikawa is like a friend to me so I can't help but worry.

"Hey Suga San do you think we'll part ways if we get Alpha's?.."Suga San looked at me with a soft smile "Only fate knows but if we do..just know I'll always be there when you're sad just know I'm there secretly hugging you in spirit" I slightly smiled,"Yahoo!~" we turned to see a puffy eyed Oikawa coming out of his nesting room.After he sat down Atsumu came out of his nesting room "Hey guys who ready to watch Disney and get drunk off strawberry milk!" We giggled a bit at how happy he is everywhere he goes,but I can see right through him..he's always compared to his brother..because atsumu isn't a alpha he's a omega and his brother well he's a Alpha we always knew being compared to his brother hurt him a lot.

Oikawa's POV:

Everyone was soon in the living room Yama-chan was the one who came up with strawberry Disney nights a night full with strawberry sweets and milk.We act like we don't care about getting new Alpha's but,deep inside we're scared we had told Ko-chan about it wich ended up in everyone crying a bit,ken-chan had fallen asleep resting his head on my lap I was stroking his head to see such a small person going through so much.

"Oikawa you know you don't have to be strong for them right.."Atsu-chan said in a hushed voice looking at me with pleading eyes "Hm~ its ok i have a good feeling about these new Alpha's"I gave him a warm smile. "We should head to bed don't ya think?" Ko-chan glanced at me "yes we should or you're legs are gonna fall asleep Oikawa" he giggled "there already asleeppppp someone get Ken-chann off of meeeee!"I said trying to bring up the mood."I'm awake I just wanted to see how long you'd last.."I heard a small voice say,I quickly looked down to be met to a pair of golden cat like eyes."Ken-chan!" Soon a beta nurse came into the room..she's been our nurse for a month now due to our old nurse getting pregnant.

"Oh look a bitch"I said with a innocent smile,"Shut it you pathetic waste of space,I hope these new Alpha's take you away for good!" We all looked at her in disgust."Honey did you not get dick or something? I heard you're husband divorced you under a bridge Last night he said you're coochie smelled like fish" the other bursted out laughing I couldn't help but smile at my friends it made me happy to see them smile.

Hinata's POV:

What's a coochie? Is all I could think about due to the grand king saying it to our current nurse I never liked her she's so mean!! Soon I heard yelling the grand king got up and headed to the nurses room with yamaguchi since the beta nurse attacked them,Scratching the grand kings face many times leaving red scratch marks on his face and hitting Yamaguchi also giving him a bloody nose.Hope they're ok! She left the room after telling us to go to bed and we have to be up early to clean up our mess.

I headed into my nesting room after everyone went into they're nesting rooms I laid down in my nest getting comfy my nesting room was a light orange color with stars I put up some volley ball posters I liked.

I cuddled my stuffy and pulled my blanket over me,I started to imagine my new alpha I heard from out beta nurses that it was a popular band so I started to wonder why us? We aren't special I'm sure these are the one's I hope they like us!

My mind slowly started to drift away and I found myself asleep.

Nishinoya POV:

Unlike everyone else I wasn't worried about my new Alpha I was quick to fall asleep due to my lack of sleep.I wonder what my alpha is doing,I hope he will want to cuddle with me..i just want love not sexual I just want to be the center of they're world,And I won't give up that easily!

Yamaguchi's POV:

I walked into my nesting room everyone had gone to sleep I was a bit worried about my alpha but my sleepiness took my last piece to me being awake I soon found myself sound asleep dreaming about something..not something but,someone. A tall alpha blonde,tall,and had glasses,I woke up but i saw my green walls that had flowers painted on them.

Who was that? And why am I dreaming about them?

Ennoshita's POV

I was reading my book when I heard my door creak open it was atsumu."Hey.." he said in a quite voice i could tell he was tired a patted the spot next to me and put my book down soon Akaashi came in right behind him."You guys couldn't sleep huh?" They both nodded getting comfortable in my nest I laid my head down soon falling asleep.

Thinking about how tommorow will turn out but whatever happens I'll make sure to protect my friends from those who will try and hurt them.

Atsumu's POV:

I ran into Akaashi coming into Ennoshita's room I slept in here since ennoshita made me feel safe plus Oikawa and Noya would go and sleep with Suga san so I rather sleep with ennoshita so its less stuffy,no one else knew but kenma and Hinata would sneak into Yamaguchi's nesting room to sleep because it was quite.

I fell asleep dreading for the morning we would wake up early do make up, dressing up,and being somewhat cute.

I hope everything will be ok.

Akaashi's POV:

I know how scared everyone was about getting a new alpha but I wasn't scared I was usually hidden since I'm 'pretty' and that's what alphas want.I hope my alpha is cute and won't want me because my body I want a alpha who wants me for being me! And I'm sure it'll be tommorow a fell asleep smiling thinking about my new alpha.

Its gonna be a good day.

A/N:Heyy so next chapter will be up in a couple minutes it'll be about they're scents! After that my nest chapter will be up about the Alphas meeting the Omega's!!!!it'll be up in the morning or afternoon since its 3am rn ;^;

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