A long trip

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A/N:Hey guys so I don't know what happend while writing this my mental state just went down hill at 12-1am I don't know what's going on with my head to this point the story will continue but if what I'm feeling right now dosent improve I might take a break

Suga's POV:

I had Just woken up to find the Nursery room full with Alpha's waiting next to the door but it was around 5am and knowing the others they we're still asleep I glanced at them before going to the kitchen and heating up some tea for them while they waited for the others to wake up.

As I set down the tea on the table the Alpha's looked at me confused "Are you guys gonna stand there or come have some tea." They rushed over before sitting down "where are the others?" The rooster looking alpha asked as he picked up his cup of tea "They're still asleep" I said as I sipped on my tea" Daichi looked at me a bit nervous, a small giggle escaping my mouth "If you guys are worried about yesterday I already know and we made our choice so just wait for the others" they gave each other a confused glance.

Soon Atsumu came out of Oikawa's nesting room "Why are they here so early?" He asked shooting a glare at Iwazumi who slightly flinched "Now Tsumu let's not start a fight" he glanced at me before going to Kenma's nesting room.

Three Omega's soon came out of the room Atsumu,Kenma,and Akaashi, we had all slept in pairs so that we would safe within each others side.After a while Noya and Hinata came out of my nesting room laying down on the floor by my side those two had always woken up and fallen asleep as soon as they laid down in the mornings.

"Has Oikawa woken up?" I said glancing at Atsumu
"He had a hard time sleeping last night" he glared at Iwazumi who looked nervous
"Tsumu cut that out are you saying these things just to make him feel bad over what happend? What happened, happened get over it" I yelled at him before he stood up and walked back into Oikawa's nesting room.

"Suga why was there a loud slam Yamaguchi is trying to sleep" out came Ennoshita and Yamaguchi who was sleepily walking behind Ennoshita holding his hand.

He sat Yamaguchi next to Tsukishima before leaving the room "Tanaka." Noya said glancing at the shaved head Alpha "yes?" The alpha said nervously "Do better next time" at this point I had enough and stood up leaving the room.

Atsumu's POV:

"Damn you pissed him off" I said coming out of the nesting room dragging Oikawa from the blanket he was wrapped in "Tsumu I wanna sleepppppp" Oikawa argued wanting to go back to his warm nest "you're Iwa Chan is here" I teased "better reason to go back" he shot back.

Long story short we sat down with Oikawa's head on my lap while he slept.

I noticed Iwazumi looked a bit disappointed Oikawa didn't lay down on his lap to nap but I don't pity him it's his fault in the first place that this happened. Suga came back with Enno who had Yamaguchi's medicine "Thank you Enno!" Yamaguchi getting up to get his medicine.

Everyone sat around the table with Noya and Hinata under the blanket with Oikawa and Yamaguchi asleep with Ennoshita on the floor, the alphas started back at us we know they pity us but this is our life we can't change our fate.

"Hum~" I hummed before getting up "where are you going?" Suga asked I knew I pissed him off earlier so he was gonna be on my case for a couple hours "well dear mother figure this has gotten boring so I will like to go sew Noya's broken plushie" I said walking back to my nesting room, Suga didn't say anything but he seemed irritated probably mad at Daichi about not speaking up.

Daichi's POV:

I didn't know what I should say to Suga he seemed mad he stood up taking the plate of cups and untouched tea to the kitchen as he set it down his figure showed more under the shirt he was wearing I felt a smack on my head finding a pouting Hinata above me "You shouldn't stare so much ya know he won't make the first move he's waiting on you" Hinata really left me surprised I guess they really know more than they show off I heard a snicker from the Oikawa who was under the blanket for someone who had been raped he hid it decently.

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