Thonks n Stonks (almost 150 parts, apparently)

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I'm moving very, VERY soon (literally in like two weeks oh lord) and will have my own room again which is nice. I'm planning on getting a computer/streaming setup. I'm definitely getting a desk/study area thing because that'll help me with schoolwork (I'll be a senior next year daaamn) and my setup will be in that area if I get it. I'll be saving up my money from commissions, but it'll take a while. As of now, I have a client I'm making patterns for, and when I give a design I get around 30-45 bucks. Haven't finished any yet, but I'm close on one. And then when the thing they use the pattern for is sold, I get some of that money too. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me. I'll probably do a fundraiser-type deal at some point.

I already wrote down the other stuff I'll have in my room in my agere journal, but here: I'll have one of those net things above my bed for my stuffies, and I'll have a hidey-area with one of those kid tents and a kennel with a blanket over it. That sort of thing helps me feel safe. Other than that I don't have too much planned, not much detail.

As of now, I've got a monitor, keyboard, mouse, processor, and a couple other things on my list. I'm not sure what specifically I've got so far but I'm too lazy to check lol

Ah, I've got a question. I don't think I'll be having an actual facecam (I'll still have the camera, because I need to track my face for what I want to do, but you won't see my actual face) because I'm going to do a sort of v-tuber thing. I've already got it somewhat designed, it's going to be my fursona, but I don't know how to actually make it into a working thing. Is there any sort of free software I can use to make it actually work? Right now all I have is my tablet and phone, so if it's on a computer then it'll be a little bit until I can get it done.

I'll make an announcement on all my platforms when I start the fundraiser. I'm guessing that I'll need a couple thousand dollars to get my full setup (probably more if I'm being honest) and that'll be a while but yeah. Let's see... I've got FurAffinity (my account is set so you can only view it if you're signed in), Twitter, Instagram (two accounts, one for littlespace and the other is my main), Wattpad (duh), Amino, Discord, Tumblr, Twitch (also duh)... I think that's about it.

In general, my username is DragonMage117, if you try to search it up somewhere and it doesn't work then let me know. I think I have a YouTube channel under the same name but with a space between either the Dragon and Mage, or the Mage and 117. Not completely sure on that one. My Twitch is dragon_mage_117

My email is dragonmageah1102 @ (without the spaces). I don't use PayPal (because I'm a minor), so I'm only really taking digital gift cards for Amazon... Yes I'm aware that it's weird, but it's what works for me.

Edit: So I added up what I've got on the list so far and it's about $400. So, as of now, I'm not sure how much in total I will need, but I don't think it'll be too much more than a thousand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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