*chuckles* Im nervous af

30 4 0

I'm nervous and my food was basically vibrating
I'm scared about coming out at school (I've already encountered transphobia)
But anyway now to get my mind off it

I'm working on stuff to become a babysitter
-Sign language (there could be a deaf/mute/hard-of-hearing kid)
-First-aid stuff (basic stuff like cleaning scrapes and bandaging and stuff around that)
-Cooking (one thing I'm already good at but could be better)
-Breathing exercises and calming (anxiety stuff)
-How to control a kid that is hyper or whatever
-Facts about autism, etc

Basically I'm researching a lot of things so I understand and am actually helpful and probably more "popular"
This would be during the summer fyi, but also maybe on weekends or after school or something

My rate would probably be around $7 per kid (if the kid is 4 yrs or under, $8) and +$2 per extra kid
I live near a bunch of apartment complexes and in one, so there's plenty of people


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