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Okay, so I don't remember why this thought/idea/whatever got into my mind, but I'm doing it now.

You need to eat. All of you. I don't care if you think you're too fat or if people say you're not worth anything. You need to at least eat two meals a day with protein and nutrients. I'm saying two because I tend to forget my lunch at home. Also eat snacks.

You might think that nobody cares about you but you are wrong.

I care so much about all of you. Guy, girl, neither, both, whatever. You are worth it. You are 100% beautiful and worthwhile and you have hope for a bright future.

Transguys: Yes, losing weight might get rid of some breast. And maybe losing weight would be good for you because you're a bit on the heavy side. But please don't do anything irrational.

This goes for everyone. Don't make stupid mistakes like making yourself vomit or starve. And don't go on a diet without the O.K. of your doctor. Doctors know what's best in those cases. Yes, do try to eat healthy. Eat a well-rounded diet with fruit, veggies, protein, and all that good stuff. Do try to exercise every once in a while. Try to stay healthy, just don't kill yourself in the process please.

Again, I love all of you. I don't want to fail at protecting people anymore. If you feel like living will just hurt people and that's why you want to die, then remember that doing so will hurt people so much more.


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