Chapter 1 [Part 1]

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Cole's pov

I've been hoping to find my soul mate for quite some time now but have been unable to find her. I have the gift of choosing my own mate but the women I've met during my existence haven't been my type and I can't really see myself spending the rest of my life with any one of them. When I eventually find that special girl, I plan on marrying her as soon as possible because I would like to settle down, it's about time I did since I have no one.

I was turned into a Demon in my early twenties by an unknown Demon who didn't stick around after the turn so I had to figure things out by myself. It wasn't easy, I was so confused because my throat would burn all the time and I didn't know how to make it stop. I had no idea that I was no longer a human but in the end I found out I was a Demon after being acquainted with another person with black eyes like mine. I asked him what he was and his reply was 'I'm a Demon like you, dumb ass'. I didn't take kindly to that remark, let's say the Demon didn't make it down the street.

I knew I needed blood as a Demon and took the first human I saw to feed off them. The human ended up dead because I had no clue how to control my thirst as a newly turned Demon. I never thought Demons drank blood, I only thought Vampires did but I quickly realised I had been wrong.

A few years after that, I met another Demon named Diago who was born a Demon and helped me control my thirst. From him, I also learnt how to drink from humans without killing them but I still had days where I just couldn't help myself. Being near a human puts me on edge because their blood smell is so irresistibly strong that I can't rest until I've had a taste.

Diago and I became good friends and have remained so today, I can't imagine why because Diago and I have nothing in common. He likes to go out clubbing and enjoys the company of women while I like staying indoors and just concentrating on work.

I don't remember much about my family and haven't seen them since I turned. It's too late to find them now after so many years. I don't really care anyway, we aren't the same anymore. They are human and I am not, I'd probably end up killing them on first sight without thinking twice. I can't get along with humans now, they are just food to me.

I was currently on the way to see the supernatural matchmaker, her name is Jac but she isn't a normal matchmaker. Jac helps you find a partner and once you find one then a contract is to be signed immediately but it isn't an ordinary contract. Once the couple sign the contract, they are married but as soon as the male's signature is on the contract, he instantly turns into a one year old child and his new wife will take him home to look after him. This is done to help the couple bond quicker and when they have, the male turns back to his original self. I know a human would think it can't work because they will form a mother/son relationship and can't see each other as man and wife after the phase but that isn't the case. The man and wife both know what they are to each other so that kind of mother/son relationship can't exist. The only bad thing about the whole thing is that the couple can't officially meet until the contract is signed which means the guy will no longer be a man at that time. It's kind of weird I know but I quite like the idea of being a child again because I won't have to do anything, my wife will look after me.

I didn't have an appointment to see Jac so when I arrived at her office, I just barged in with my Demonic abilities like I had done many times before. The last time I paid Jac a visit was about 20 years ago. I gave up on finding a life partner when I didn't find anyone interesting enough but now I have to find her because I'm fed up of being alone, I need someone to love and in return to be loved back by them.

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