Chapter 12 [Part 1]

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A few hours later, Tegan finally arrived home and she looked beautiful in a black top and a short denim skirt that showed off her amazing long legs with black small heeled shoes. Her brown hair was flowing down her back with small curls and she looked relieved to be home. When Tegan saw me she was startled and gasped.

"Who the hell are you?" Tegan asked me angrily. She may be angry but she is still hot.

"You don't recognise me?" I asked in a small hurt voice. How could she not know who I am? Oh wait. I haven't introduced myself to her in my true form.

"No. I've never seen you before in my life," Tegan looked around the room.

"Where's Diago and Cole? What have you done to them? If you've hurt them I swear I'll-" Tegan began.

"Relax, I haven't done anything to them. I'm Cole and this is my true adult form," I interrupted and gestured to myself. "Diago went home as soon as I turned back,"

I stood up and walked towards Tegan but she took a step back so I stopped and stood a few steps away.

"I don't believe you, you can't be Cole. You could be anyone and you look nothing like him," Tegan exclaimed. I tried to get closer to Tegan again but she wouldn't let me.

"What can I do to make you believe me?" I almost begged.

"I don't know,"

"Maybe I could tell you something only Cole would know," I suggested a minute later when Tegan didn't answer.

"Ok," Tegan agreed and I thought about what I could tell her, then I thought of something.

"When we first met you told me I was gorgeous and asked Jac if you could hold me. Jac said you should ask me and when you did, I held my arms up to you and you held me,"

"That's true but you could have bullied Diago into telling you that before murdering him," Tegan implied but I ignored that and told her more. I'm surprised I remember so much when I had no clue what was going on around me then.

"You asked Jac why my eyes were blue and she said it was because baby Demons can have any eye colour except black. Jac said she needed to discuss something before you could take me home, you put me down but I didn't like it and began crying until you picked me up again. You and Jac had a chat and then you took me to your room to pack because I refused to let you go without me. Diago brought you here and showed you around before leaving. Then-" I began but Tegan interrupted me.

"Ok I get it, you know everything about what has happened between Cole and I but that doesn't mean you are him,"

"Then call Diago and ask him," I prompted.

"I will," Tegan agreed after a bit of hesitation. She took out her phone from her pocket and looked for Diago's number before pressing the call button.

"Hi Tegan, what's up?" Diago answered a few seconds later.

"What does Cole look like?" Tegan asked.


"Well............. There is a Demon here who is claiming to be Cole,"

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