Chapter 18 [Part 1]

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Tegan's pov

"So where are you taking me for dinner?" I asked Cole curiously some time towards the evening.

"There's a nice restaurant I know that's not too far from here," Cole replied.


"Yes, the food there is great and I've been going there for years," Cole confirmed as he took my hands in his.

"When are we leaving?" I asked so I knew when to get ready by.

"How's 7 o'clock sound?"

"That sounds about right," That's only 2 hours away , I should get ready now. I turned to go upstairs but Cole stopped me by pulling me closer to him with our joint hands.

"Where do you think you're going?" Cole asked in my ear.

"To get ready,"

"There's plenty of time for that,"

"No there isn't, there's 2 hours left," I disagreed.

"You don't need two hours to get ready Tegan,"

"Yes I do, I'm a girl. It will take me a while to do my hair and that," I argued and shook my head at Cole for not knowing something so simple as that.

"You don't need to do your hair, it's lovely the way it is," Cole told me as he let go of one of my hands to put a hand through my hair.

"Is it?"

"Yes. In fact, you're perfect the way you are now. You don't need a change of outfit either," Cole said as he checked out my outfit.

"Yes I do, I can't go out for dinner dressed like this," I pointed to myself. I am wearing Jeans and a top from this morning.

"Who says you can't?"

"I say so,"

I turned to leave again. Surprisingly, Cole let me go but once I reached the bedroom, Cole was already there sat on the bed waiting for me.

"Cole what are you doing up here?" I asked in surprise.

"If you're changing your outfit then I guess I'll change mine," Cole gestured to the clothes he was wearing which was a casual black trousers and top.

"You don't need to change, you're perfectly dressed to go out for dinner,"

"So are you,"

"Fine, we'll go as we are," I sighed but the next thing I knew, Cole was pressed against the front of my body.

"That's great so we have some time to ourselves then," Cole said against my lips before pressing his lips down on mine.

"Cole we always have time to ourselves," I said a little while later when Cole pulled away.

"Not in the restaurant we won't," Cole disagreed.

"Why? Is someone joining us?"

"No but we won't be alone will we? There will be other people there,"

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