Chapter 6 [Part 1]

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The only person I can think of is Jac.

I appeared outside Jac's office a while later, my eyes are now in tears. If there is something wrong with Cole then I don't think I will be able to move on and will never forgive myself.

I knocked on the door and waited. The door opened and Jac stood before me.

"What happened?" Jac asked while seeing Cole sobbing and my watery eyes.

"It's Cole, he won't stop crying," I explained as a tear threatened to fall from my eye.

"You'd better come in," Jac said and we stepped into her office to take a seat.

"How long has he been crying for?"

"An hour," I replied.

"What caused his crying?"

"Well...............," I hesitated.

"Go on," Jac encouraged me to tell her what had happened.

"He had some coke to drink and after a while he was hyper going into a fit of giggles. I told him he couldn't drink coke again until he was a man,"

"Can I take a look at him?"

"Of course," I tried to hand Cole over to Jac but Cole wasn't having any of it.

"Cole I'm not leaving you, Jac just wants to give you a check to see if there's anything wrong," I said softly and tried to put him in Jac's arms but Cole wouldn't allow it, he only sobbed more.

"I guess I'll have a look while you are holding him," Jac began checking Cole in my arms.

"I'm not a doctor but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with Cole," Jac said after a few minutes of checking Cole for any signs of trouble.

"Then why won't he stop crying?" I asked with worry.

"I don't know, maybe apologising to him will help," Jac suggested.

"Apologising for what?" I asked in confusion. What do I need to apologise for? I haven't done anything to upset Cole have I?

"Apologise for earlier," Jac said, now I understand.

"Cole," I said softly and Cole looked up at me.

"I'm sorry I said you couldn't have anymore of that fizzy drink, I didn't know how much you liked it, you can have more if you want," I apologised and Cole immediately stopped sobbing.

"That's what was wrong wasn't it, you wanted me to say I was sorry and didn't mean it didn't you?" I asked Cole.

"Touch my hand if that's true," I held my hand out to him, Cole immediately touched my hand.

"Good, let's get you home," I gave a sigh of relief to know Cole was ok.

"Jac I'm sorry to have wasted your time," I apologised to Jac.

"It's ok, better to be safe then sorry," Jac said before handing me a card with the contact details of a doctor in case anything serious happened.

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