Chapter 29 [Part 1]

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2 weeks later

Tegan's pov

Cole has been going to work for 2 weeks now and I have been doing fine, there has been no repeat of the first day. I still can't believe I left my sick brother alone like that for the whole day or that I even acted like that at all. Usually, my emotions don't go that high and I'm always strong. I don't know what happened, maybe it's because I am mated. I'll never know but from now on, I need to keep my emotions in check. I can't be acting unlike myself again. I will make sure of it. It's quite embarrassing really, Cole only did what was best to get away from Liam before a terrible accident could occur and I acted like a child having a tantrum over nothing.

Since the fiasco, I have made it up to Liam by never leaving his side while Cole has been at work. Liam has pretty much recovered, he just has a little pain in his legs when he walks but that fades away with the pain medication he takes.

I miss Cole when he is at work but I am used to it now and look forward to when he gets home. I'm sad Liam is leaving, I have really enjoyed having him live with us. I will miss him and won't get to see him as often as I would like.

Tonight I'm cooking all of Liam's favourite food, Mum and Dad will be joining us for dinner then they will leave with Liam. That should be interesting because Dad hasn't met Cole yet.

Cole left work early this morning for some reason that he would not tell me. I have a feeling Cole is hiding something from me. Ever since the day I got here when Diago told me Cole is a legal advisor, he hesitated when he said that which gives me the impression that Cole hasn't been completely honest with me. I haven't asked Cole about it yet because I don't want to spoil things between us when they are so good, they've always been good. I don't want to lose him by accusing him of something he might not have done. I hope he confesses soon so we can work things out and can continue being together.

It was almost lunch time, I guess I should get started on dinner which will be held at 6pm.

"Liam," I called but got no answer because Liam was busy playing video games with the volume so high like he always did. I can hear the video game's sound effects from here.

Since Liam's condition has improved, I have allowed him to play whatever game he wants to as long as Cole is fine with it, which he is. The two of them usually play together for hours and I know the games they play aren't suitable for a child of 15 but Liam has only a few years left of becoming an Adult so I guess it can't do any harm.

I walked into the room to find I was right, the volume of the T.V. was way too high and Liam couldn't hear me calling his name.

"Liam," I called in Liam's ear and he finally looked up at me.

"What?" Liam asked.

"Turn the volume down," Liam did as he was told reluctantly and paused his video game. "That's better, I just wanted to ask what you wanted for lunch,"

"A sandwich will do,"

"With what filling?" I asked.

"I don't know, surprise me,"

"And what drink, fruit juice or water?" I only gave Liam those options because if I offered a fizzy drink, I knew he would obviously choose that sugary drinks aren't good for him. They will make him hyper for dinner this evening which I don't want because Mum will get angry at me.

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