Chapter 32 [Part 1]

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A few weeks later

Tegan's pov

During the past few weeks, Cole and I have been in and out of my parents house when Cole isn't at work. Cole and Dad seem to be getting on from what I can see. Whenever they are together, their laughter can be heard.

"Cole what do you and Dad do together?" I asked one evening.

"We just talk," Cole told me.

"About what?"

"Guy stuff,"

"What's guys stuff?" I asked curiously.

"You know like football and that,"

"He hasn't threatened you again has he?" I asked with worry. If that's true then Dad won't be happy about Cole and I getting married.

"No of course not, he likes me now and trusts me," Cole said in a matter of fact way.


"Yup," Cole popped the 'p'. "I have some good news too. I asked your Dad for his blessing on us getting married yesterday and he said we had it," Cole told me with great pride.

"Really?" I asked uncertainly.

"Really," Wow! I wasn't expecting Dad to give us his blessing so quickly, he's only known Cole a few weeks.

"That's amazing! When are we getting married?" I asked excitedly.

"In 6 months,"

"I can't wait,"

"I can't wait either for you to be Mrs Knight," Cole said as he took my hand in his and kissed my palm.

"I already am Mrs Knight,"

"I know but only you, me, Jac and Diago know that. Once we marry with loads of guests including you're family, every human and supernatural being will know that we are a couple for eternity," Cole explained. "Come on, let's go and announce our engagement,"

Cole pulled me gently out of the door and in to his car before driving us to my parents house.

"Tegan," Liam exclaimed happily when he saw me and ran into my arms. I can see he has fully recovered now and will be returning to school next week.

"Hey," I replied and returned the hug before Liam pulled me inside, Cole was pulled in too because he was holding my hand. Liam led us outside where Dad was seated with Mum in the garden.

"Tegan, Cole what brings you here?" Dad asked in surprise when he saw us.

"We have some news we would like to share with you," I replied as we sat down beside my Dad.

"Really? What news would that be?" Dad asked but I knew he already knew what the news would be.

"We're getting married," I announced and held my left hand up to show the enormous diamond ring Cole had given me the other day. It's a very beautiful ring, better than I imagined it would be but every time I tell Cole that, he disagrees. He tells me that I am beautiful and nothing can ever compare to me. That touches my heart every time, Cole is the perfect husband apart from the secret I know he is hiding from me which I still haven't confronted him about. I thought now that we're getting married, he would confess but he hasn't. I will leave it for now, I want to marry Cole and be happy but I will find out what his secret is. If it is bad and Cole hasn't told me before the wedding then I will have to punish him, some how.

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