Chapter 30 [Part 1]

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I let Mum and Dad in before showing them to the dining table. Cole had rushed into the kitchen as soon as he heard the sound of the doorbell ring. He must have problems with their blood too.

I know this dinner will be hard for him but I know he will try his best for me and will get through it. There are now 3 humans for him to deal with and he can't harm them because they are my family. I know he drank from Mum but that was by accident and Cole had no idea who she was.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Dad asked.

I hope he doesn't do anything stupid to infuriate Cole which will most likely lead to a showdown where there will only be one outcome. If that happens then there is no hope in Dad ever approving of Cole. I know Mum already approves because after she met him, she was eager to see him again. Liam approves too which is a bonus, it would have been awkward for him staying with us if he didn't like Cole.

"He must be in the Kitchen, I'll go and call him in," I replied before walking to the kitchen.

"Liam there you are, I've missed you so much," I heard Mum's voice say as I closed the kitchen door behind me.

"Cole are you ready?" I asked.

"Not really but let's do this," Cole replied as he took my hand in his. I led him to the dinning room where everyone was seated, waiting for us.

"Hi I'm Cole," Cole introduced himself to my Dad after letting go of my hand and held out his hand to Dad to shake. Dad took Cole's hand firmly in his before saying

"Nice to meet you, I'm Joe,"

"It's nice to finally meet you Joe," Cole agreed as he let go of Dad's hand.


I served the food once everyone was comfortable at the dining table. Liam's eyes went wide when he saw all his favourite food including a small Chicken Roast and sticky toffee pudding for desert with the cake I had made earlier which was now covered in a thin coat of white icing. The words 'I'll miss you' were written neatly on top in blue.

"Tegan I'll miss you too but this isn't goodbye, we'll still see each other won't we?" Liam asked.

"Of course we will but not everyday," I replied sadly.

"So Cole what do you do for a living?" Dad asked Cole to get the attention away from my sad face.

"I am a legal advisor," Cole answered.

"A legal advisor?" Dad looked impressed which was a good sign. In fact, things seem to be going well between them, let's hope it stays that way. "I work in finance which is pretty boring but it puts food on the table and pays the bills,"

"How long have you been working?" Mum asked Cole.

"2 years," Cole lied. He couldn't tell the truth, that he'd actually been a legal advisor for many years.

"Do you enjoy your job?"

"Yes, very much,"

"Good," Dad finished. Then we all kept our eyes on our plates for the rest of the meal.

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