Chapter 37 [Part 1]

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Cole's pov

That was an amazing honeymoon, I didn't want to leave Spain but our month was over. We may have come home now but we are still close. I'm so stupid for agreeing to tell Tegan my secret because I have a feeling that once she knows, she will hate me. I'm not going to do anything to remind her that I need to tell her. Tegan hasn't asked me about my secret since I agreed to tell her. I'm going to hold off telling her for as long as I can by keeping her mind on other things, like me.

"Cole," Tegan giggled as I tickled her stomach. "Stop it tickles,"

"That's the whole point," I told Tegan.

"Why are you tickling me?"

"Because I love your laugh," I tickled my wife harder.

"No, it hurts," Tegan said as she held her stomach protectively from my hands.

"Ok. I'll stop," I agreed. When Tegan moved her hands away from her stomach, I placed my hands there and rubbed gently for the tickling discomfort to disappear. "That better?"



"So when are you going back to work?" Tegan asked some time later when I had stopped rubbing her stomach.

"Tomorrow," I replied.

"Tomorrow but that's so soon, we just got back from our honey moon," Tegan whined.

"I know but I've had a month off,"

"But why are you going back to work so soon?"

"Tegan I took a month off work, I'm expected to go back after that month, which is tomorrow,"

"Can't you take another day off?" Tegan asked with hope filled eyes.

"I would love to but I can't,"

"But you're your own boss," Tegan argued.

"I know," I hate the thought of leaving tomorrow for work but I've missed a month. I need to make sure my two businesses are doing fine. "I'll tell you what, how about I come home early?"

"How early?" Tegan asked, I can tell she liked the sound of that.

"2 hours early,"

"I'd like that," Tegan smiled and snuggled close to me.

"Me too," I said as I put an arm over Tegan's shoulder. "So what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know," Tegan said and began to think about it. "We could go see my parents and Liam, they'd love to see us after a month of not seeing them,"

"Ok but not for long," I agreed, I didn't want to be stuck at Tegan's parents house for the whole day, we need some alone time before I leave for work tomorrow.

"Why?" Tegan asked.

"We can't spend all our time with them or we won't have any time together,"

"Cole we've had a whole month together and if we do spend a long time at my parents house then it doesn't matter because we'll still see each other every day,"

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