Chapter 27 [Part 1]

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As soon as I had parked in my company's car park, I stepped into the building and was greeted by the human receptionist, Carl. Carl has short blonde hair and grey eyes, he is skinny and short with not much muscle. He's in his early twenties and has a bubbly personality or so I've heard from colleagues. They didn't tell me directly, I heard them talking among themselves. Everyone here seems to really like Carl except me, I think he's pretty annoying and has too much to say.

There are many human workers here which was why I can't just appear into the building with my Demon abilities. Our existence must remain a secret or all hell will break loose. Things are fine the way they are now, if the humans found out we would have to take over the world or they would try to capture us and experiment on us. That would be hard to achieve but that's what humans are like, they are a very curious species. The humans who work in my company are all a certain blood type, o.b negative which is a rare blood type that is not appealing to any supernatural being whatsoever as it has a revolting stench and taste.

When I was a newly turned Demon, I didn't know that and ended up having the displeasure of having a taste, the vile stuff made me ill for weeks which I didn't think was possible, I stayed away from the deadly blood type ever since.

"Hello Cole, I didn't know you were back today," Carl greeted me cheerfully. He really seems keen on me. Carl is openly gay which I don't have a problem with but it isn't okay that he has tried everything to get me alone but it just isn't happening. I glared at him. If he was a supernatural being then he would know to stay away from me because I hate communicating with people unless they are my clients or it is completely necessary. The only person I can't get enough of is Tegan who I miss so much already.

"Hi," I grunted and quickly made my way to the lift before Carl could say something else.

There was a bunch of people already waiting at the lift, when they saw me I could smell their fear and shock of my return. When the lift doors opened we all got in. Thankfully they were all Demons and knew not to say anything to me or they would regret it. If only Carl wasn't human then he'd know he doesn't have a chance with me but even then he would probably try it on with me.

My secretary Jane, a middle aged human greeted me with a nod of her head. Jane knows I don't like to talk unless it's important and that's why she has been my secretary for many years. I nodded back before reaching my office.

As I shut the door, I gave a sigh of relief and sat in my chair behind my desk which was empty apart from a sign which read 'Mr Knight' and my laptop. No one is allowed in here except me and Jane, I don't have an assistant and really need one especially in a few weeks when I will be busy when more people realise I have returned to work. I never said why I was taking a break, no one needs to know my business.

I don't have any clients booked today so I guess I'll just refresh my memory of client files before they start coming in, probably tomorrow. It was really hard to take anything in because all I could think about was Tegan. I wonder what she is doing at home. Is she thinking of me like I am of her? Does she miss me?

After 15 minutes, I gave up because nothing was making sense to me. I logged off the laptop and decided to get to my second job which Tegan didn't have a clue about. It is also one of the reasons why I am the most feared Demon. I don't plan on ever telling Tegan because she could hate me and leave me. I can't allow that to happen so it's best if I keep it from her for now and for as long as I can. Maybe I'll be able to concentrate there within a different environment.

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