Chapter 22 [Part 1]

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It's a miracle that Mum and Liam are still waiting. I can hear their human heartbeats from here with my advanced Vampire hearing.

I opened the door and Mum gave a sigh of relief.

"Hi guys," I greeted them.

Liam's eyes brightened at the sight of me. I can tell he wants to run into my arms for a hug but he isn't able to with being in a wheelchair. He can't walk temporarily because of the accident. It will be a challenge for Cole and I to look after him.

I walked up to Liam and leaned down to give him a hug which Liam returned enthusiastically.

"Careful, you're supposed to be resting remember?" I warned.

"Sorry but I've missed you," Liam apologised.

"It's only been a few days since we last saw each other,"

"I still missed you,"

"I missed you too bro. Come on let's get you settled on the sofa in the other room," I told Liam as I manoeuvred his wheelchair into the room near the living room that had the sofa's in. I put a sofa cover over one of the sofa's and helped Liam out of the wheelchair to lay there. I helped him out of his shoes too as he got comfortable.

"I'll be back in a bit," I told Liam before returning to the living room where Mum was now seated on the couch.

"I thought you weren't home," Mum said as she put Liam's bags down.

"Of course I am home. I wouldn't go out knowing you guys were coming over now would I?" I asked.

"Then what took you so long? We were waiting out there for 5 minutes," Mum said, it sounded as if she had been waiting an hour for me or something.

"Sorry I didn't hear the door bell, I was upstairs," I apologised as Mum took a seat.

"Your boyfriend has a nice house," Mum looked impressed. She is still looking around at everything in awe. I don't see what is so fascinating, the house is normal and nothing fancy except it's size.

"I know," I agreed.

"So where is your boyfriend?" Mum asked eagerly. Boyfriend sounds foreign to me, I've never had a boyfriend. I can't imagine what it would have been like if Cole was actually my boyfriend and I'll never know because we are already married.

"He's upstairs, I'll go and get him," I said and slowly made my way up the stairs because Mum was watching.

As soon as I was off the stairs and Mum could no longer see me, I used my Vampire speed to rush to the bedroom where Cole was standing by the window gazing out.

"Cole are you ok?" I asked.

"No I'm not. I can smell their blood Tegan," Cole shook his head.

"Don't worry it'll be ok. I'll be by your side the whole time,"

"But Tegan it has only been 2 minutes and I can't stand it already. How will I last 2 weeks with Liam here?"

"You're the one who agreed to this," I reminded Cole. I don't know what possessed him to agree. Neither of us know anything about looking after a teenager and we both aren't even human. Liam can easily get hurt, not by me because I am used to his blood after living together for years but it's a different story for Cole who can't control his thirst even with his age. From Cole, I have learnt that Demons need a lot more blood than us Vampires do, that must be why Cole is finding it difficult to be around humans.

"I wish I hadn't now,"

"Come on, it'll be fine," I assured Cole as I held my hand out to him. Cole immediately took it and we walked downstairs together after Cole had done something about his black eyes.

"Mum this is Cole, my boyfriend," I introduced proudly and Cole beamed happily even though he'd much rather have been announced as my husband because that's what he really was to me.

"Nice to meet you Cole," Mum said.

"Hello," Cole managed to say. He is still holding my hand. I tried to remove his hand from mine but it was no use, he is refusing to let go.

"I see you are well again, the soup I sent helped," Mum said with a knowing smile.

"Yes it was lovely and a great help, thank you," Cole thanked her.

"It was no problem and thank you for letting Liam stay here. He needs a change of scenery to get better,"

"It's ok, I couldn't say no to Tegan's family," Cole replied.

"It really was nice to meet you but I should get going," Mum looked at me then. "Your Dad will be home soon,"

"Ok, we'll see you in 2 weeks," I said before Mum left after saying goodbye to Liam.

I turned to Cole before asking.

"That wasn't so bad was it?"

"I guess not," Cole agreed.

"It's not over yet, you still have to meet my brother," I told him before walking towards the room Liam was resting in with Cole behind me.

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