Chapter 17 [Part 1]

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When I pulled away from the kiss, an idea came to my head.

"Tegan there is something else we could do now that we have made love," I said.

"And what is that?" Tegan asked.

"We need to take a shower. Now that I've seen you naked, we could take one together,"

"You want us to shower together?" Tegan asked with an eyebrow raised after seeing the suggestive wink I gave her.


"Ok. We'll have a shower together," Tegan surprised me.

"What?" I asked to make sure my ears weren't deceiving me.

"I'll take a shower with you but you can't touch me in there," Tegan warned. Damn it!

"But I want to wash you," I argued.

"I think that's too soon. We just had sex,"

"We didn't just have sex, we made love," I corrected.

"Ok. I won't touch you this time but I can't make any promises about next time," I sighed with disappointment.

"Great! Let's take a shower," Tegan took my hand before leading me to the bathroom. I couldn't help but look at Tegan's backside as she walked in front of me.

"Cole are you looking at my butt?" Tegan asked.

"No," I lied.

"Don't lie to me Cole. I know exactly where your eyes are,"

Before I could reply, Tegan pushed me in front of her so I couldn't see her.

"Now you're staring at my butt," I whined which earned me a squeeze of my butt cheek from Tegan.

"Tegan what did I say about pinching my cheeks?"

"You said I couldn't pinch them but you never said anything about your butt cheeks," Tegan replied and pinched my butt cheek again.

"Tegan stop," I whined again even though I secretly enjoyed that. I love it when Tegan pinches my face cheeks. I love any physical contact Tegan gives me.

"Fine," Tegan reluctantly agreed as we entered the shower and I turned the water on. As I saw the water run down my wife's body, I couldn't help but go closer and touch her.

"Cole I thought you agreed not to touch me," Tegan moaned.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it," I mumbled in Tegan's ear. I then placed kisses on Tegan's neck and pulled her to my chest. We ended up making love again.

Afterward, we washed up. I have no idea how we managed that without keeping our hands off each other because all I felt like doing the whole time was running my hands along Tegan's smooth skin.

We got dressed and went down into the kitchen to make breakfast. I want to have something simple so I can spend time with Tegan but it doesn't really matter because Tegan will be by my side throughout breakfast anyway. We decided to have the soup Tegan's Mum made for me with toast and some blood, I am craving blood after all that love making.

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