Chapter 14 [Part 1]

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Cole's pov

"Where are you going?" I asked when Tegan stood up all of a sudden.

"To get my jacket, it's time for you to meet my family," Tegan replied and my eyes went wide, I wasn't expecting that.

"Meet your family, but isn't that too soon?" I asked before I stood up too. We've only recently declared our love for each other and now we are going to meet Tegan's family?

"I suppose it is but my parents really want to meet you,"

"Well......... Ok then. I'll meet them," I agreed but I wasn't so keen on the idea, I just want to be with Tegan.

I was about to follow Tegan outside but she stopped me.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a look of concern. "I thought you wanted me to meet your family,"

"I do want you to meet my family but you can't be around humans with your eyes all black like that," Tegan said as she gazed into my eyes.

"Of course I can't," I agreed and concentrated on my eyes being human like.

I heard a gasp from Tegan a second later, she was staring wide eyed into my eyes.

"What is it? Are my eyes worse?" I asked.

"No. They are like a human's. How did you do that?" Tegan asked in awe.

"I'm a Demon, I can do things like that," I said as if it was nothing. "What colour are my eyes now?"

"They are blue like when you were in your small form,"

"That's good. So my eyes look human now?"


"So what else can you do?" Tegan asked with an eagerness to know more.

"Much more,"

"Like what?"

"You'll see as time goes by,"

"But I want to see now," Tegan whined like a little child would for sweets or ice-cream, she's cute.

"We haven't got time now," I said with a shake of my head. "We are meeting your family remember?"

"Oh! I almost forgot. Let's go but you will show me what else you can do later right?"

"Of course," I agreed which made Tegan smile.

I followed Tegan outside and into my car. It has been a while since I have driven a car as I wasn't able to because of the small form I was in.

I drove to the hospital and once I had parked the car, Tegan stepped out of it.

"What's wrong?" Tegan asked when I didn't make a move to follow her.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea," I admitted.

"But I told my Mum she could meet you today," Tegan made her way around the car to me slowly.

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