Chapter #43

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Stormy POV:
I got up and see Bisho not looking good. Hi Bisho, how are you today? Not feeling well today. Oh no I see where I can stay with tonight. I know I can't Maxi so maybe Yestey or Deano.

Hi Yestey can I spend the night with you. Bisho is sick and I can't be around him today.

Yes, pack a bag for you and Snowball.

Okay I will. See you at work. Oh, can you please pick me up.

Yes, I am on my way to pick you up.

Bisho POV:
Yestey said I can stay with him tonight he is picking me up for work. That good. I'm glad you are staying with him. Be careful. I will bro. I watched her get her stuff ready for the night and got some stuff for Snowball. I happy to hear you laugh I miss hearing you laugh. Yes, I miss laughing but Now I am getting better not worst. That good.

Stormy POV:
Did you called Hoppo saying that you are sick and not able to come to work today? Today is my day off so it may be a good thing I am off. Yes, it is. I call you tonight to check on you. Okay. Hi Yestey thank you again for letting me stay with you. Anytime Sis. We made it to Bondi. I walk in the tower and see H-men and Deano. Hi guys. I down south with Yestey hey Yestey we together down south. Cool we made it down and I already have to go in and save a teen. We made it back to the sand I asked did you swallow any water? No, I'm just tried. Okay if you feel sick come to the tower or go to the hospital. I will thank you for recusing me. You're welcome it our job.

Maxi POV:
Bisho call and said that Stormy is happy and laughing again. He sick so Stormy is staying with Yestey. I glad to hear that my sister is happy again. I been hard on us we didn't see each other for 6 years she went to college and become a doctor then a party planner and a jewelry designer I'm so proud of her even if we missed six years together. I see her and Yestey laughing together, and she is smiling. It makes me happy I see Huz look at her. Hey Huz, just not hurt her I'm glad she is dating you. I won't hurt her if I do, I will take everything you gave me if I hurt her.

Huz POV:
Hey Stormy. Would you like to go out with me tomorrow after work? Yes, I would love to. Okay you can wear shorts tomorrow night nothing fancy okay thank you. See you tomorrow. Bye.

Stormy POV:
We made it to Yestey I glad you to have you stay. Thank you Yestey. We made dinner and I took my meds, and we went to bed. I have a date with Huz tomorrow.

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