Chapter #53

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Hoppo POV:
It been 3½ weeks since Stormy been in a coma. I had to put Maxi in the tower the twin Bond is hurting him this time. I be back Azza and Deano is boss until I get back. I walked into Stormy room. Hey sweetie we miss you your tests came back to see if you can Dr again or not. I hope you wake up soon. Maxi not himself or Haz he does not smile at all they both is in the tower the other boys are trying to stay strong, but you can tell they are sad that you almost died. We hope you wake up soon.

Stormy POV:
I need to wake up I can't stand the boy not being themselves. I moved my hand and open my eyes. I moved my arm and put it on Hoppo arm. Hi Hoppo long time no see.

Hoppo POV:
Stormy, you awake.

Wait I get Dr Cullen. She awakes. A nurse and Dr Cullen run in and said it good to see you awake Miss Maxwell.

Stormy POV:
It good to be awake. If you eat and go to the bathroom okay, you can go home or work in the tower for 3 weeks as the new Bondi beach Dr. What I pass all 3 tests? Yes, you did but you in a wheelchair for a while. Okay that fine. I eat and go to the bathroom. Okay you can go see you in 3-week Dr Maxwell. Bye Dr Cullen. Hoppo help me out of the hospital. I going to call Koby if that okay.

Hello who is this Koby is surfing.

Hey Olay, its Stormy I'm out of the coma and just got out of the hospital.

I'm glad you are okay. I let Koby know he been worried about you so has his brothers. We see you later.

Maxi POV:
I can feel the twin Bond more today. I feel more alive I think my sister is awake and doing better. I hope this feel is right. What we hope so too. Jess and Huz said. We got back to work. We turn as we hear the door open; we all are shocked who it is.

Yes, a cliffhanger what will West think when Stormy comes back to the beach? It is coming up soon.

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