Part 16

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Ex-Princess of Anarchy

"Here we are," Scar said as they pulled up to the small complex she lived at with her housemate.

"I think this might be worse than the clubhouse dorms," Jax joked as he put the truck in park,

"Hey! Do not insult my place. It is the first place I had that was mine!" she laughed as she playfully smacked him.

"Is your friend home?" he asked as he turned the truck off.

"She should be in class," she answered digging through her bag for her keys.

"Then who is at the front door?" he grimaced as he reached for his gun.

"That is Daniel. Tess must have let him in before she left. Leave that in the truck. I don't need you getting arrested for carrying illegally," she said quickly before exiting the vehicle and running up the steps.

"Who is the cop?" Ope asked as Jax jumped out of the driver seat.

"That is Detective Daniel from her case," Jax answered as he tucked his gun under his sit. "Tell everyone stay out here, except you and Chibs. I need you two to hide your guns in the truck and come inside with us."

"Why no guns?" Ope asked as he pulled his out and slid it under the seat with Jax's.

"Princess doesn't want us getting arrested," Jax smirked before walking up the steps after Scarlett.

"Detective, what are you doing here?" she asked as Jax reached her.

"I wanted to make sure you were alright," Detective Daniel responded before stepping forward and pulling her into a hug. "You can say you are fine all you want, but the day I was assigned to your case haunts me still. I can only imagine what all of this is doing to you." Jax cleared his throat after a few moments of them hugging. Any while longer and it was going to be very awkward.

"Sorry Jax. Daniel, this is Jackson Teller, my boyfriend and childhood friend. Jax this is Detective Daniel Thomas," she smiled as she laced her fingers with Jax's.

"What are we lass? Chop liver?" Chibs' voice came from behind her.

"And this is Opie Winston, my best friend and brother by choice and Filip Telford who has known me my whole life and is sort of like an uncle. We just call him Chibs. Guys this is Detective Daniel Thomas."

"Nice to meet ya," Chibs said as he shook Daniel's hand before Opie.

"Pleasure. Scottish?" Daniel asked.

"Aye," Chibs answered.

"Is this all you brought with you?" Daniel asked looking at Scarlett. "You said you had quite the protection detail Lottie, I was expecting more than three guys."

"Oh," she started as she blushed a little. "These are just the three that are going with me to campus. We are here to mark what is mine so that the others can pack things up and load them on the truck while we are in my meeting."

"You are leaving? Is that wise Lottie? Connor is in Charming. Plus, you are so close to graduating. Do not let Connor rob you of your dreams," Daniel rushed out as he grabbed her arms. Scarlett felt the guys around her tense, and she squeezed Jax's hand in reassurance.

"I'm not Daniel. I am almost done. I am meeting with the administration to go over doing the last few things I need to virtually. I am finishing my degree come hell or highwater. Besides, after everything I have put these guys through, I am pretty sure that would not let me quit if I tried," she smiled as she moved out of his reach.

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