Chapter 2

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Ex-Princess of Anarchy

Scarlett and her mother crossed the front lawn to Gemma's front door. Scarlett was about to knock when she heard the familiar sound of motorcycles and smirked. She continued to face the door as her mom turned around and walked towards the men. Scarlett stood there listening as she heard all the men greet her mother and ask about her father. Then she heard nothing but silence. Scarlett turned around and looked at them all. They all stared at her.

"What is wrong with you all you look like you've seen a ghost?" Clay's voice came from behind the men.

"Not a Ghost, just someone none of us thought we would ever see again," Bobby's voice responded.

Clay made his way through the group and stopped dead, staring at Scarlett.

"See, Brother. You had the same reaction," Chibs said.

"Well, are you all going to just stand there and gawk at me or are you going to come and hug me?" Scarlett said after a few moments of silence. They all started laughing.

"What is going on out here?" Gemma asked appearing in the doorway.

"O, just a little family reunion, Gemma. Too bad none of our boys know how to act when they see someone that has been gone for years," Scarlett said turning to face her. Gemma could see there was a little bit of hurt in her eyes.

"Why don't you and your mom go inside and relax. Dinner will be ready soon and I want to have a chat with the boys," Gemma said gesturing inside. As if cued Scarlett walked into the house with her mother behind her and Gemma closed the door. She knew the men were about to get a talk. It was bad enough that she was only back in Charming because her father was in the hospital. The last thing she needed is for the club to pretend like she was nothing to them.

Scarlett stood by the door and tried to make out what Gemma was saying to them. She made out a few lines here and there but nothing that made sense. She heard the sound of another bike and then a very familiar voice that made her heart leap.

"What is going on? Why is everyone gathered on the front lawn?" Jax's voice came. Scarlett walked over to the window so she could see what was going one.

"The club doesn't know how to react when someone comes home. I had to remind them of some things," Gemma responded. Scarlett knew that if looks could kill half the club would be dead by now. Gemma is very protective of her family, blood or not.

"What do you.....Scarlett," Jax said staring through the window right at her. He turned and addressed the club. "Scarlett is one of us, regardless of how she left or why she left. Her father is in the hospital and she will be here all week. The last thing she needs is for all of you to act like she is a ghost or like she is the long lost princess finally returned. She needs our support and our help. Now I expect every one of you to apologize to her before she leaves tonight." Jax took one last look at them all and walked into the house.

"You didn't have to do that," Scarlett said staring at him in disbelief, tears forming in her eyes.

"Yes I did. Besides, I am sure mine was child's play compared to Gemma's." Jax said smirking.

Scarlett let out a small laugh and then turned from him trying to hide her tears. Jax instantly walked over to her and turned her around.

"Hey. It is going to be ok," He said looking at her before hugging her. She hugged him back and just breathed in his scent. She took a few deep breaths and pulled away dabbing the tears from her eyes so that her eyeliner did not smear.

"I don't remember this outfit," Jax said looking at her.

"Mom bought it for me. She gave it to me tonight.

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