Chapter 7

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Scarlett woke up with a lurch and ran to the bathroom. She threw the toilet lid open and threw up the contents of her stomach. She felt a hand pull her hair back and hold it while another rubbed her back.

"It would be you," She said resting her arm on the toilet rim.

"Who else would it be? I knew this would happen," Jax said continuing to rub her back.

"At least it isn't my Mom or Gemma. I would be getting a serious lecture while I am puking," she said before threw up again.

"Well, you may still get a lecture," he responded.

"Why?" She asked grabbing toilet paper to wipe her mouth off.

"Because you stayed here last night," He said handing her a cup of mouthwash and flushing the toilet.

"Ugh, why did I drink so much?" she said rubbing her head.

"Because Chibs kept giving you beers," Jax responded handing her aspirin and a cup of water.

"Thank you. I know he did but I took pain medicine, that is a dangerous combination," She said before taking the aspirin.

"Well, I won't let you drink anymore till after you are done with the pain meds," he responded as they walked out of the bathroom.

"I really need to get home. I need to get my papers done and sent in, and I need to see my father," She said grabbing her coat. "Ugh I also need a hot shower."

"You could easily do two out of three of those things here," Jax said with a smirk.

"Nice try, Teller. But I need to go home shower, change, see my father and then come back here and help out Gemma. I can easily finish my papers between customers," She said before walking out the door.

"OOO, Walk of Shame," Bobby called down the hallway as she exited the room and started towards the main room.

"My only shame is letting Chibs give me so many beers," She said as she reached him.

"Hey, you weren't complaining last night," Chibs said from the bar.

"That's because what girl would complain when she is getting free alcohol?" She asked walking over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Now which one of you lovely gentlemen is going to take me home?"

"I will!" a number of voices said.

"Wow! Gentlemen, I am one girl, therefore I need one person to take me to my house in my car," she said laughing.

"I will take you home," Jax's voice came from the corner.

"Let the prospect do it. Chapel now!" Clay's voice came from behind her, most the members scurried in, whispering goodbyes as they passed her.

"Good Morning Clay. Thank you. I will let Kip know his instructions are to deliver me safe to my house, let me shower and I will return him safely here," She said before kissing him on the cheek.

"Anytime sweetheart, but keep him with you till you get back. If you need anything else while you are here, let me know. Tell your father hi from me and tell him to get better soon, but until he does we will watch of you ladies till he is back on his feet."

"I will, Clay. See you later," She said with a hug. Clay turned to walk into chapel but stopped hallway around.

"You coming, VP?" He asked.

"Yea, I will be in in a second," Jax responded walking over.

"I understand," Clay said nodding his head and disappearing through the double doors.

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