Chapter 6

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"Chibs, if I didn't know any better, I would think that you were trying to get me drunk so that you could actually win a game," Scar said finishing her 5th beer and grabbing the next one from Chibs' hands.

"I would never do such a thing," he responded feigning hurt.

"Yea sure you wouldn't," she said rolling her eyes as she pocketed the 8-ball. "How much do you owe me now?"

"I've been hustled. I should have never agreed to this," Chibs laughed handing her some cash.

"Hustled? You knew what you were getting into," she laughed punching him in the arm with her good hand. "And I played with my bad hand."

"Yea ok, you still hustled me. I admit defeat. I am going to step outside," he said before giving her a pack on the cheek. Scarlett looked around. All the guys were laughing and having a good time. It took her a few minutes to realize that one was missing, aside from Op who has left hours ago.

"Hey, Kip," she called over to the prospect. "Where is Jax?"

"Not sure. Last time I saw him he was outside," Kip yelled back.

"He is on the roof," Bobby's voice came.

"Thank you Bobby," she responded with a smile. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran down the back hallway where the dorms are. She spotted the ladder to go up onto the roof and slowly climbed it.

"You know the party is downstairs right?" She said as she climbed out the top onto the roof.

"You know you shouldn't sneak up on people right," Jax said jumping and tuning around.

"Sorry, just wanted to see what you were up to."

"Just needed some air," Jax said turning back around.

"There is air outside downstairs," she responded walking over and sitting next to him.

"I know, I just don't want to be near people," he said lighting a cigarette.

"O, I will just go then," she said standing and turning from him.

"Scar," he said grabbing her arm. "I didn't mean I didn't want to be near you." He pulled her back towards him.

"Jax, what is wrong?" she asked looking at him.

"Just worried."

"Hey, you know you can tell me anything," she said holding his arms.

"Just club shit. There is an ATF agent digging around," Jax said. "She is going after people we care about, mainly our women. She will come after you, Scar. I don't want that."

"Jax, I have been home for two days. I know nothing about club business. Even if I did, I am not a rat," she said hugging him.

"I know, Scar. It's just," He said pulling back so he could look at her.

"I know you would never purposely put me in any danger," she responded looking up at him. "Sounds like some drunken asshole broke out the karaoke machine."

"SCAR! GET OFF THE ROOF AND COME SING US A SONG," a very drunk Chibs' voice came.

"Why does he always do this?" she said shaking her head.

"Because they all love hearing you sing. Besides you can show these drunk assholes how it is done," Jax said before kissing her forehead.

"Jax, I," she started.


"I'm coming!" she yelled back. "Don't get your knickers in a bunch." She walked over to the edge and started down the ladder. "You coming?" She asked Jax.

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