Part 8

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                                                                           Ex-Princess of Anarchy

Scarlett bounced back and forth all day between customers, the phone and organizing papers. She didn't even realize what time it was when Jax walked in with a bag of food.

"Is the slave owner running you into the ground or are you allowed a lunch break?" he said smirking at her. She looked at him frowning as she held up her finger to tell him one minute. He set the food on the desk and sat down in the chair across from her.

"I understand that sir," she said kindly into the phone. "Sir, please stop yelling at me. I am only trying to help. Would you like me to have our tow truck come get you and the vehicle or at least come and assist? No sir, it will not be free of charge. Sir, we were not the last to work on your vehicle. I understand that; however, legally we have no responsibility for someone else's error. I will see what I can do for you sir, we may be able to charge your insurance company instead. Now, would you like me to send our tow truck to your location and help you put your tire back on your vehicle? No problem at all, sir. It is entirely my pleasure. I will go talk to our driver now and dispatch him to your location. You have a good day as well, sir. Goodbye," she said before hanging up the phone.

"Having fun are we?" Jax smirked.

"Hold that thought," she said with a small smile as she stood from the desk and crossed to the door. "Kip!" She yelled out the door before turning back to Jax. "I don't think this slave will be leaving this office to eat today," she said with a sad smile.

"You yelled?" Kip said showing up in the doorway.

"Yes," she said crossing to the desk. "I need you to take the tow truck and go try and help this gentleman. Get his insurance information and the dealership's information. Evidentially, the mechanics at the dealership do not know how to properly check the torque on the lug nuts of a vehicle. His tire came off on the highway. I need you to either help him put it back on or if it isn't as easy as that, bring it back here and we can try to fix it. Something tells me his rim might be bent or dented from this," she said as she handed Kip the paper with all the information.

"Aye, Aye Boss lady!" he said with a salute before leaving.

"Don't forget to get all the information and radio in if you are bringing the vehicle in!" she yelled after him.

Jax started to laugh behind her and she turned to look at him. "What are you laughing at, Teller? Wait till I am bossing you around."

"Hey, just cause you say it doesn't mean I will be saluting you anytime soon," he said crossing to her and reaching for her hand.

"Whoever said anything about saluting?" she said with a laugh. "I expect you to bow to the princess."

"O is that a fact?" he asked inching closer.

"Yes, yes it is," she breathed as their faces were inches apart.

"You really should eat something. It is getting pretty late," Jax said before kissing her forehead as if on cue the phone started ringing.

"And how am I supposed to eat outside this office when the phone won't stop ringing?" she asked crossing over to pick it up. "Teller-Morrow," she said as she picked up the phone. "Good afternoon, Agent Stahl," she said glancing over at Jax with a surprised look on her face. "Actually, I am about to step out to grab some lunch. Do you mind if I come down later and talk to you? No not at all Agent. Thank you. Have a nice day," she said as she hung up the phone.

"What did she want?" Jax said stiffly.

"She wants to talk to me," she said calmly. "I am sure it is nothing, Jax. Besides, I don't know anything about what the club does and if I did, I am not a rat," she said gently rubbing his arm as he leaned against the desk. "Come one, I need some air and some food. The smell of car grease is making me sick," she said grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door with a smile.

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