Chapter 4

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The ride happened in silence and seemed to last forever in Scarlett's mind. Every so often she would remove her hand from Jax's back to try and wipe tears from her eyes before they landed on his cut. Eventually she just stopped and laid her head completely on his back to guard her face from the cold air. When they reached her house, she got off the back of his bike and handed him the extra helmet and walked straight to her parents' front door.

"Scarlett!" he called after her running to catch up. "I am sorry! Please just talk to me."

"I have nothing to say to you, Jackson. See you around," she said with a hard look before entering her parents' house and slamming the door behind her.

"Please talk to me," Jax said as the door closed. "God damnit!" he yelled as he turned towards his mother's.

Scarlett locked the front door and went to her bedroom. She watched Jax through her bedroom window as he smoked a cigarette on Gemma's patio.

"Why Jax, why?" she asked over and over, as tears slid down her face. She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked back at Jax. He was staring at her from across the yard. She stared back at him, letting the tears role down her face, wiping them every so often. She knew he could tell she was crying, but she wanted him to know. She wanted him to realize how bad she had hurt her. She closed the blind and threw herself on her bed, crying until she fell asleep.

She woke up the next morning to someone shaking her.

"Five more minutes, Mom," she growled rolling over.

"It's not your mother try again," came a woman's voice. Scarlett jumped up and was face to face with Tara.

"TARA!" she said jumping back. "Don't you know it's rude to wake people up that way. "You are a doctor you should know to let people sleep."

"Precisely, I am a doctor. So I don't let people sleep nor do I get any sleep. Now get up! It is time to go shopping," she said standing up. "And I would wash your face, your make up is everywhere," she said with a smirk before heading out into the living room.

"Thanks for the compliment," Scarlett muttered getting out of bed. She still had the clothes and her boots on from the night before. She glimpsed in the mirror, afraid of what she looked like. "Jesus, I look like I got trashed last night," she murmured pulling out a make-up wipe and rubbing what was left off of her face. She stripped the clothes off from the night before and hopped into the shower, let the hot water relax her muscles and melt away the stress. She didn't realize how long she had been in the shower until Tara came banging on the door, telling her to hurry up. She quickly washed and jumped out of the shower. She threw on a pair of her old jeans and a tank. She walked into the living room while throwing her hair into a pony tail.

"You still aren't ready?" Tara said coming from the kitchen.

"You know for a doctor you are rather impatient," Scarlett responded while putting her tennis shoes on.

"I don't know how you ever thought we were patient," Tara laughed.

"Ready!" Scarlett said jumping up. "Let's go." She reached

"Finally! Tara exclaimed grabbing her purse and keys off the dining room table.

"Can't I drive?" Scarlett asked grabbing her keys.

"No, you drive like a crazy woman," Tara laughed.

"I do not!" Scarlett exclaimed.

"Yes, you do!" Tara and her mom said at the same time.

"Thanks Mom! You are loads of help," Scarlett yelled. "See you later!" She slammed the door closed.

"Your mom is great," Tara said walking to the other side of her car.

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