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Princess Bellatrix Black was just like any other member in her family. She held many personal secrets that she kept to herself. For now, it may be few, but as you grow up you hold more information and gain more secrets.

The twenty year old Evraican princess had light skin that seemed to make her shine. Her wavy black hair was something that usually cascaded behind her back and past her shoulders. Her gray eyes were something that shine just like worthy bars of silver.

"Hello, Thunder," said the hooded princess, smiling at her black horse. "Let's ride somewhere."

She mounted her black horse and rode away to wherever she was going. Of course, I won't tell you where she was going at the moment, but you will hopefully know sooner or later in the story.

She mounted her black horse and let the winds run with her. As the winds ran with her, she remembered things said by anonymous people.

In the wind of change
We find
Our true direction

The princess had a similar way to her younger, redheaded sister when calming herself down. The princess, after all, was the one who taught Princess Lilith the particular method of calming oneself down, by rem,beefing sayings and quotes by known or unknown people.

A storm was coming
But that's not what she felt.
It was adventure on the wind
And it shivered down her spine

That's when she felt the wind shivering down her spine. It was a great weather that made Princess Bellatrix Black smile brighter.

Tell me
When was the last time
You ran through a field
Just to feel the freedom
Of creating your own wind?

When was the last time Bellatrix had a way to escape the castle for a little bit without anyone noticing? It was after dinner time, so everyone must be well asleep. And everyone knows not to wake a princess from her sleep.

So, this was a great opportunity for a certain princess named Bellatrix to escape to the unknown for a little while with her black horse Thunder. After all, that was what was happening at the moment.

It's more fun if you just let the wind carry you.

That's what the princess was doing. She was letting the wind carry her to the place she wanted to go to. She hoped the wind knew where she wanted to go because her horse sure knows where he was going to end up.

She knew she was getting closer.

How did she knew she was getting closer? Because the tress were starting to slowly fade into no more trees and the shrubs started becoming something normal in the ground.

"Coke on, Thunder," whispered Bellatrix to her horse as she leaned forward. "I'm sorry, boy, but I haven't been here in a while. I'm just excited."

As if hearing her, the horse neighed in response and speed up his pace.

Suddenly, Thunder the black horse stopped. He stopped and then moved to the side to stop once again.

Princess Bellatrix Black dismounted her black horse and thanked him with a pat he gratefully enjoyed.

She looked around and smiled. She truly hasn't been here in a while.

She started tugged her hood on together. It was something she had to do so nobody, in a hundred percent, would recognize her at all. Even if the people inside the building will mostly be drunk, and the only sober ones to be the people working, she still had to be careful.

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