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Peter Pettigrew betrayed his crew, his Captain, and it didn't take a genius to figure it out.

Now, let's recall the last things I told you. Apparently, all of you thought it was some sort of cliffhanger? Whatever that means...

After a short while, the entire crew was awake and informed that they had to leave immediately.

Of course, the crew was not told of any thing Princess Bellatrix Black has told them. Only Remus Lupin and Frank Longbottom were the exception.

"It's absurd," commented the first mate of the Snitch once he was told.

Frank couldn't speak. Instead, he nodded in reply to what Remus said.

They were walking to their ship, not knowing what they were going to find that was going to surprise them.

While I tell you this tell, I will inform you that we have two conflicts in this tale of pirates and royalty. After all, it is about two sides instead of only one side.

"We'll be fine, won't we?" whispered Lily to the Captain. They were far behind the rest of the crew where the crew cannot see them.

He squeezes her hand in reply, hoping that the answer was enough for now.

When they reached where the ship was standing on the water waiting for them, they heard some of the crew members' gasps and words of shock.

The Captain made the princess hide with her brother crouched down in the middle of the crowd so nobody could see her and her vibrant-colored hair.

The Captain of The Snitch made it forward and glared, clenching his jaw instead of letting it drop to the ground from slight shock.

"Hello, Captain Potter."

You might notice how the Captain protected his red-haired lover. You might notice how the second mate of the The Snitch protected his sister by hiding with her.

That's one thing both gentlemen - excuse me, pirates - had in common, wasn't it? Both pirates had the aim to protect the red-haired princess in case this was some sort of trap or attack that could harm her.

You are probably impatient about who said the last words I recently told you, but remember that sometimes you have to be patient on the situations that seem like you can't even do that. Patience is a virtue. At least that was what I was taught when they forced me to have patience.

Now, keep your patience in a little bottle and let me explain a few points.

Captain James Potter had many enemies as I once I told you not that much many moons ago. From the smallest of pirates that think they can destroy gods to the biggest pirate that could count as Captain James Potter's equal.

I have a question for you, people that are reading this tale because of fate. Which enemy could possibly be after almost everyone?

He had so many enemies that, at the moment, only one person seemed to be his true enemy at the moment...


"Hello, Captain Potter," said a voice the Captain new very well.

The man was tall, skinny, and bony pale that he could almost blend in with the color white. His hair was as white as whatever object is the whitest that people didn't know where his skin ended and his hair started. The red eyes of his seem almost snake like, as if his eyes were the reason he called his ship The Snake.

Beside him was a man who looked slightly guilty, but was trying to seem emotionless. His skin was the color of sand due to the fact that his duty on The Snitch made him be nearest to the sun from any other of his crew mates. His blonde hair and blue eyes both seemed to scream guilt that he was trying to hide.

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