Chapter 1

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Do you know what life is? What you learn from it? there is someone in the old book says "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on" Robert Frost . My name is Y/N and i live at orphanage in Siberia, Cocolia or what we call her mother...the one who saves us when we were left alone in second houkai war.

Everyone was sad in the beginning but sooner they open up each other and more day pass they now happily playing with each others in the orphan and sometimes cause some mess. Me as their big brother figure trying to tell them to not doing this, doing that, and they just said 'sorry' with smile face and hand scratching their heads. In the morning we do daily routines like breakfast, Bronya telling us story, and sometimes doing chores for orphanage.

In the night after we had dinner, its my time to tell them a story like a scary one or happy ending one from the book that i read in the library.

In the morning

"Y/N can you help me with this?" ask Bronya while showing me a book with a title 'Houkai First War'

"Sure, i can help you. Have you seen seele? shes usually here with the other childrens." i reply and asking her if she now where Seele is

Bronya shakes her head while wondering where last time she saw

"Okay, lets help you with that after that Seele." i said to Bronya

Bronya know my worries about her little sister Seele, she always trying to keep her problem from everyone or sometimes she just lock herself and crying all night

Time Skips

we all gathered in main hall with cocolia/ what we call mother standing in front of us showing us a silver ball(?)

"now i want all of you try to use your imagination power and try to control it."

the first one is Seele, shes trying to use her imagination power to create something but fail

"i'm...i'm sorry matushka(mother in russian language)." Seele said with her sad face looking down

then the next one is Sin mal. 'oh no its her' i know whats gonna happen when Sin mal going to show off her 'ability'

"You are so stupid Seele. watch this." Sin turn the silver ball into a metal wrist watch

"Whoah! Sin turned the silver ball into a metal wrist watch!" said the other child 

"HAH! thats easy for someone from Mal family like me!" said Sin with her arrogance 

"matushka let bronya try next." bronya said grabbing the silver ball and try to making it into a homu doll

"Look! its homu doll!" said the A girl

"Kyaa it's so cute!" said the other girl

"i knew you're the best, Bronya!" seele said to Bronya while hug her

Sin grow angry and jealous with Bronya ability to turned the silver ball

"Y/N? you don't want to try it?" Cocolia asking me, then i shake my head and say "No, thats just a waste a time for someone who gonna be dead." leaving Cocolia with her sad looking Y/N's back while mumbling "i'm sorry..."

Scene change

I was going to library to return the books and borrow the new one, when i see seele leaning her back to the wall while hugging her feet with scare look

'seele? what is she doing?-' when i'm going to go near her, i see Sin mal beating bronya in the floor

"SIN MAL! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" I scream and throwing sin mal away from bronya

"guh...Y/N this is not your business." sin mal said while recovering from my throw

"Not my business? when i see you beating Bronya without a reason?" i ask with semi anger voice. I help Bronya to sit and asking her if she has a fatal wound or not

Sin grumbled and leave us alone

"Bronya? you sure you are okay?" i ask her again reassuring if she is really okay 

"its okay Y/N it's just a few scratch nothing fatal." Bronya said but i shakes my head and carry Bronya in my back "No Bronya you need help, i'll carry you to the doctor." i said and i give Seele a look telling her to follow me to the doctor

Meanwhile in somewhere place

Cocolia standing in front of big screen showing 3 students Sin mal, Bronya, and Seele face with red cross.

"I...I'm doing this to ensure that my childrens can survive this world...none of them displayed any corruption hint."

"good, so we can initiate the program for Y/N. Remember Cocolia we are doing this for Anti-Entropy, we are doing this for humanity." 

A/N: This is my first book and our prologue, sorry for my bad grammar english is my second language and i will try to improve with your suggestions and comments

Thank you for reading!!

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