Chapter 17

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~Ana Schariac.

In Atlas Schariac is one of the famly whose contributed in 2nd eruption. A family that has excellent abilities to control Honkai energy with their semblance, they can use honkai power to be able manipulate things or enhance their combat ability to sustain longer or do more damage.

One of the strongest in Schariac is Cecilia Schariac, a woman who died during the 2nd to be able defeat the Herrscher. And here I am, a girl  named Ana Schariac who will become the strongest Huntress like Cecilia to be able to save those who in needs.

Although that was my dream, but I can't be someone like her because what I've done in the past~

Ruby:"Penny, I-I still don't understand..."

Penny:"Most girls are born, but I was made. I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an  Aura. *turns her head to the side* I'm not real Ruby..."

Ruby:"*Taking Penny's hands in her own* Of course you are. You think just because you've got nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts make you any less real than me?"

Penny:"I don't...Um...*leans  close to Ruby's face* You're...Taking this extraordinarily well."

Ruby:"You're not like those things we saw back there. *taps her chest* You've got a heart, and a soul. I can feelt it!"

Penny:"Ooohh...Oh Ruby *grabs Ruby into a hug and shakes her back and forth* You're the best friend anyone could have!"

Ruby:"*Muffled groaning* I can see why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower!"

Penny:"*releases Ruby, fully back to her happy self* Oh, he's very sweet! My father's the one that built me! I'm sure you would love him!"

Ruby:"Wow. *giggles* He built you all by himself?"

Penny:"Well, almost! He had some help from Mr. Ironwood."

Ruby:"The General?! Wait...Is that why those soldiers were after you?"

Penny:"They like to protect me, too!"

Ruby:"*scoffs* They don't think you can protect yourself?"

Penny:"They're not sure if I'm ready well Y/N also said that...One day, it will be my job to save the world, but I still have a lot left to learn. That's why my father let me come to the Vytal Festival. I want to see what it's like in the rest of the world, and test myself in the Tournament."

Ruby:"Penny, what are you talking about? Save the world from what? We're in a time of peace!"

Penny:"*confused* That's not what Mr. Ironwood said..."

Ana:"Well, isn't it a lovely reunion right Penny?*suddenly appear*"

Penny:"M-miss Ana! I-it's-"

Ana:"Penny...You know what will happend if people find out you're a robot?"

Ruby:"Don't say it like that! Penny is different from them!"


Ana:"Oh! What a nice day to meet you again Ruby hello!*waving her hand* But I'm sorry even though she's looks like a human she still a robot- no Android."

Ana:"But it's really surprising you didn't scare at her because she's not a human. I'm sorry but, you know what Penny is and no one besides the Atlas Army allowed to be alive after hearing this infomation.*she pulls out her guns and pointing it at Ruby*."

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