Chapter 2

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A/N: I'm trying a different style so hope you likes it

Third Peron

Currently Y/N, Bronya, and Cocolia are in the infrimary while Cocolia are wrapping Bronya's right foot

Cocolia: "and why did you fall of the stairs?"

Y/N trying to tell Cocolia but Bronya give me a look to not tell Cocolia about what really happened

Bronya:"I slipped matushka."

Cocolia:" You're hiding something, you didn't just slip but you were attacked. Pushed." Cocolia done wrapping the bandage and stands up from her chair

Cocolia:"And for some reason you didn't break the attacker's neck *sigh*."

Bronya:"I really did slip down the stairs, matushka." with her calm  face convincing Cocolia that its just an accident 

Cocolia:" Try to look after yourself okay? The trial is fast approaching. I don't want your wounds to affect the test."

Bronya:"spasibo, matushka."

Cocolia leaves the room but before she leave, she tells Bronya to talk to Seele about Seele's trial

Bronya nod and Cocolia leaving Y/N and Bronya alone in the room

Y/N:"Why Bronya? I can tell her what happend before and maybe she will teach that girl!" shouting Bronya with anger because can't tell Cocolia the truth what happened

Bronya just shakes her head and giving Y/N warm smile

Bronya:"its okay Y/N, i don't want it become a bigger problem and affect the other children."

Y/N just give her a sad look while clenching his hand tightly


At Seele's Room

Y/N stand in front of Seele's bedroom. From outside he can hear a familiar voice saying same word over and over 'i'm sorry'


I open the door and seeing a chest where seele must be hiding herself

I opened the chest seeing Seele holding her head with her arms

Seele:"Y-Y/N, i'm so sorry! i'm really, really sorry!"

Seele:"I... I was so scared. I...I couldn't do anything and-and Bronya-nee just..just.."

I hold her two arms and hitting her head with his gently

Y/N:"Seele, would you just shut up. It's not your fault okay? its that girl fault for beating Bronya, its because her jealousy that consume her!" 

while giving seele a meaningful look and seele finally silent for a moment and look at me with a sad look

Seele:" b-but i-."

I cut her word by covering her mouth with my hand 

Y/N:"Seele, its okay none of that was your fault."

I hug her to try calm her

*Flashback 3 months ago*

Y/N: Bronya! Help! Seele has gone missing!

I said opening Bronya's bedroom door looking at Bronya with serious look

*In somewhere warehouse place*

Third person POV

???:" you sure this girl worth selling for 3 million dollars?"

a stranger guy answer the stranger woman 

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