Chapter 21

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~Frostwolf Squad Fragment 2

???:"Where would like they be? *slashing several grimm while looking around the location* Dammit! They still keep coming. *Jump, avoiding the grimm's claw* Sorry to ask during our 'tight' situation but is the Alpha dead!? It's minions keep coming at me some of them already killed the civillians!*stabbing the grimm head then she turns at her back, releasing a fire wave from her blade* Now honkai beasts!"

Rita:"*in comm*I'm sorry Lady Himeko, looks like Master still fighting the Alpha and currently unable to help you."

The sky suddenly turns black, many clouds appears covering the city skies. A snows began to fall along with the sudden cold tempreature surrounding the area

Himeko:"Leader's power? No, this is Ana's *chuckles* Forget about it Rita, looks like I'll take care mine. But if you have a spare times...Go at Y/N's place he will know what to do."

Rita:"*in comm* Understood, Lady Himeko good luck for your adventure."

Himeko:"*steadying her blade pointing at the honkai beasts while its fire began to blaze* Now...Shall we begin?*smirk*"

Meanwhile at Rita's

Rita:"So this is Miss Ana's? It's really quite something from the informations I found about her..."

Rita pauses herself seeing an explosion west-side from her location. She turns her look at the explosion and starts to run to its location while a worried-face formed on her face a little.

Rita:"*mutters* Master Durandal..."

After a moment she arrives and little surprised by the 'battlefield' she see, many hole over here and there, fire surrounding the arena while inside it there is a blonde person stabbing an Alpha Grimm and stand on top of its head smiling at Rita.

Durandal:"Took you long enough, how's the situations Rita?"

Rita:"Everyone facing of their problems, Lady Himeko with honkai beasts while searching the other civillian, Y/N's things on the other side....Meanwhile Mei and Ana get a worse situations on their side."

Durandal:"*jumps from its head and stand in front of Rita with her weapon* I see, well then looks like we have to go helping them especially Ana."

Rita:"Understood, how about searching for Y/N first?"

Durandal:"*giggle* You read my mind Rita, lets go."

~Frostwolf Squad Fragment 2

After they took the girl to their 'temporary' camp with Ana looking after her until she regain her conciusness. Meanwhile Himeko strolling around the village looking for other survivors and Y/N thinking from what he found before saw a girl laying on the ground unconcious.

Y/N:"It still strange to me...They said honkai energies was detected on this village but, when I'm searching around there are no honkai beasts at all."

Ana:"Maybe they already left? We're late when we came here, there's nothing at all."

Y/N:"But...What if-"

Himeko:"*suddenly appears while carrying someone* You need to see this! *drop the person to while Y/N and Ana approaching it* I've found him when I was looking around the east and from what I checked, he's still alive I think."

Y/N:"*check on him to see his vitals and breaths*He's still breathing and his vitals seems look normal...We just need to wait until she and this person awake so we can ask what happened."

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