Chapter 6

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*Same day, that night*

Currently all the first years sleeping inside the ballroom. Ruby is seen writing in a journal. Her sleeping mask wrapped on her forehead. When Yang crashes next to her

Yang:"It's like a big slumber party!"

Ruby:"I don't think dad would approve of all the boys though."

Yang:"I know I do (purrs)."

On the other side, there are bunch of guys shirtless. But not for Y/N, because in the past the orphanage really cold so it's not recommended to be shirtless when sleeping.

Yang:"Ew.*turning her head back from seeing Jaune* What's that?"

Ruby:"A letter to the gang back at Signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going."

Yang:"Aww, that's so cute."

Ruby:"Shut up! I didn't get to take my friends to school. It's weird not knowing anyone here."

Yang:"What about Jaune? He's....nice...There you go plus one friend! and Y/N your up to two friends!"

Ruby:"Pretty sure Weiss counts as a negative friend. Down to 100."

Yang:"There's no such thing as negative friends. You just made two friends and one enemy *A pillow hit her face* Look, it's only been one day. Trust me, you've got friends all around you. You just haven't met them yet."

Ruby and Yang's attention gets drawn to Blake, who isn't very far from Y/N

Ruby:"That girl!"

Yang:"You know her?"

Ruby:"No, not really. She was what happened this morning, but left before I could say anything."

Yang gets up pulling Ruby with her 

Yang:"Well, what are you waiting for now's your chance."

Ruby:"Wait! What're you doing?!"

Ruby struggles againts Yang's strength giving up when they got to Blake

Yang:"Hello! I believe you two may know each other."

Blake:" Aren't you that girl who exploded?"

Ruby:" Uhh, yeah! My names Ruby! But you can just call me Crater- no actually, you can just call me Ruby!"

Blake's attention is completely on her book


Yang:"*Whispers* What're you doing?"

Ruby:"*Whispers back* I don't know! Help me!"

Yang:"So...What's your name?"

Blake:"*sigh* Blake."

Yang:"Well Blake, I'm Yang. Ruby's older sister. I like your bow."


Yang:"It goes great with your...Pajamas."


Yang:"Nice night, don't cha think?"

Blake:"Yes. It's lovely. Almost as lovely this book. That I will continue to read...As soon as you leave."

Yang looks back at Ruby

Yang:"Yeah...This girl is a lost cause."

Ruby:"What's it about?"

Blake looks up somewhat surprised


Ruby:"Your book. Does it have a name?"

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