Chapter 13

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Later that night, Jaune stands on the edge top of the dorm building looling into the distance at the green lights of Beacon.

Pyrrha:"No Cardin tonight?*walks to his side* I though you two were best buds?"

Jaune:"*turning to her* Pyrrha, I'm sorry. I was a jerk! You were only trying to be nice, and...I had all this stupid macho stuff in my brain-"

Pyrrha:"Jaune! It's okay. Your team really miss their leader, you know...*she begins to walk to the exit* You really should come down! Ren made pancakes! No syrup, though you can thank Nora for that!"

Jaune:"*smiles but holds his hand and calls out* Wait!, I know I don't deserve it after all that happened, but...Would you still be willing to help me...Become a powerful person, well I don't think I can be powerful like Y/N but still. Pyrrha...Would you help me to become a better fighter?"

Pyrrha turns around so a worried Jaune won't see her satisfied smile. She goes up to Jaune and suddenly pushes her leader to the ground.

Jaune:"*whining* Hey!"

Pyrrha:"*standing over him with her arms on her hips and evaluating tone* Your stance is all wrong. You need to be wider and lower to the ground. *she offers him a hand which he graciously accepts* Let's try that again."

Kiana:"*hiding while hearing their conversation* Well, i guess they all okay...*texting on her scroll* geez, why do I agree with this...Well whatever my job here is done Y/N.*walks away leaving them alone*

Meanwhile with Y/N and Mei inside the headmaster office

Y/N:"*slaming his hands to the desk*Professor, like I said before this beasts won't come without something attracting them!"

Mei:"*worriedly trying to hold back Y/N* Y/N, please calm down...You must cool yourself so we can discuss this serious."

Ozpin:"It's okay Ms. Raiden, Mr. Raiden your knowledge is very amusing to something related like Honkai beasts. But I can assure you, nothing attracting them especially Honkai and Grimm doesn't get along well since the 2nd."

Y/N:"Then, it must be something that similiar...Honkais can be very attracted to high honkai energy. So, I'm assuming that this school has something similiar like that. Or is it Professor?*look at him with a serious face*."

Glynda:"Like the Professor said there is nothing that attract honkais to this school Mr. Raiden! How can you-"

Ozpin:"*raise his hand giving a sign for Glynda to stop* It's okay Glynda, they already know something."

Glynda:"B-but Professor-"

Ozpin:"Mr and Ms. Raiden, I will tell you what this school had. But this is a very secret matter, no one know about this beside the teachers and me, soon will you two. So after I tell this I would like you two to not say anything related to this okay?"

Y/N:"*give him understanding nod* If this gives me an answer, yes."

Mei:"Me too Professor."

Ozpin:"Okay, but before that..Do you believe in fairy tales?*smiling*"

The scene changes to an overview of the streets of Vale being decorated in time for the Vytal Festival. Red one, yellow one, and green streamers also balloons are proudly on display. While Team RWBY. Mei's team and you are strolling throught it all with an awed Weiss in the front.

A sign is being put up by the elderly shopkeep that reads in bright red letters "Welcome to Vale" for all the foreign newcomers from their respective kingdoms of Remnant.

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