5: Kinky Clubs

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5: Kinky Clubs

"Desire and fantasy go hand in hand, making reality jealous."

Valerita and Hailey stepped in a wickedly, glowing club after the guard checked their I.Ds and let them through a velvet rope.

Music was blaring all around the place blasting their ears as they made it accross the enormous dance floor towards the bar.

There were drunk people everywhere. Dancing crazily or throwing up in the toilets or kissing each other hungrily.

"You have to get drunk today Rita. My driver will drive us back home." Hailey pleaded.

"I'll try." Valerita smiled.

"You always say that." Hailey pouted while Valerita just laughed.

"When are your guests coming here?" Valerita asked.

"They're here." Hailey waved at a short brunette heading their way. Followed by a jet black haired and bright hazel eyed guy holding her hand tightly. He was nicely fit but Valerita couldn't help but compare him to Michael. He was not near to Michael's hard cut features. The same applied to the blonde haired guy behind them. He was tall and lean but not as handsome as Michael.

"Rita meet Jessica, Jake and Ryan. Jake and Jess are a couple by the way. And Ryan's Jess's big brother." Hailey blurted out.

"Hey guys! I'm Valerita. Hale's friend." Valerita introduced.

"Just a friend? I thought you two were...." Ryan pointed accusingly at them.

"Shut Ryan!" Hailey slapped his arm.

"Let's order!" Jessica shrieked.

They gathered around the bar and filled themselves up with tequilla then vodka and so on until they were all drunk but yet sober enough to haul themselves to the dancefloor.

"Dance with me Rita!" Ryan shouted to be heard over the loud music.

Valerita noticed Hailey's mood go down and shook her head at him. "No. Umm. I don't dance." Then she turned towards the dancefloor to just spend the while.

It was obvious that Hailey had a thing for Ryan so Valerita thought it better to just keep a distance.

"Hey! Wanna dance sweety." An old man put his hand on her shoulder from behind her and turned her around harshly.

"No! Leave me alone you freak!" Valerita shrugged him off and returned to the bar.

"Rita! Come come." Jessica screamed.

"What's wrong?" Valerita asked.

"Nothing!" Jake said.

"Ryan'll do a body shot on you." Jessica said.

"What?!" Valerita retorted.

A body shot wasn't something she was unfamiliar with....


"Rita! Come here." Allan, one of Mike's classmates was calling her.

Mike had called Valerita to a college party but she never knew why. The place was filled with loud music, the smell of puke and alcohol.

Since she's so young compared to them she was glad she atleast fit in with her outfit. Valerita was wearing glittery shorts and a tank top that reached above her belly button. It wasn't everytime that Valerita dressed up all sexy and hot. But she really wanted to fit in for once.

"What is it Al?" Mike asked in that deep sexy voice that smothered Valerita. He was standing right behind her.

"You're doing a body shot on her." Tracy, Allan's girlfriend told him drunkily. The other drunkeys nodded bobbingly. It didn't take long to note that only Allan, Mike and Valerita were sober.

"What's that?" Valerita asked innocently.

"No I'm not, okay." Mike announced.

"You should know I can't drink yet." Valerita added not knowing what they were talking about.

"If you don't, Allan'll do it." Tracy said.

Mike growled and clenched his fists while Allan smirked.

"Fine!" Mike roared and turned to Valerita. "I never should've brought you here."

He grabbed her arm and pushed her to the table they were sitting around. "Lay down." He commanded.

She did so.

"Up B or down B Rita?" Tracy asked.

Valerita didn't know what that meant. But Mike answered for her.

"Down!" He shouted.

Tracy took a bottle of vodka and filled Valerita's belly button to the brim. She felt a drop slip down towards her shorts but tried her best not to flinch. Then Tracy traced salt along her belly. The crystals itched at her skin. Lastly, Tracy put a piece of lemon on her mouth on which she bit on. The conditions gave Valerita clear vision of what Mike was meant to do. But she didn't feel at all awkward which was weird since she obviously didn't deserve a god such as him.

Before Mike lowered himself on her. He took a second to look at the angel that lay before her. She was so sexy. Their gazes locked and Mike felt guilty for doing this but he did not want Allan to take his place.

He started off licking her tummy and slurping the drink on her. Then he swiftly shifted towards her mouth and sucked on the lemon. What took him by surprise was that Valerita spit out the lemon and kissed him.

In seconds he was indulged. She tasted so sweet and sloppy and he loved it! She quickly let his tongue enter her and tour around inside her mouth. Their tongues duelled until Valerita ran out of breath and he pulled away.

It was her first kiss!

It was fantastic!

Flashback ends--

"You heard her honey." Jake said.

"You're mad! You're drunk!" Valerita said. "Are you going along with this?" She asked Hailey but she didn't respond. She was clearly against this but didn't have the courage to go against the others.

"Oh come on Rita. I won't bite....Well not the first time." Ryan told her.

"You have to be kidding me guys." Valerita tried. But she was alone in this debate.

She didn't want to be the party pooper or killjoy here and after a lot of nagging, she agreed.

She laid herself on a table they were around and shut her eyes.

"Up B or down B, Rita?" Jessica asked.

"Up B." A new voice rose from behind them all.

Everybody turned to face him.


Oh gosh. What's Michael doing there?

I hope this chapter was fun, 'cause it was really fun writing it.

Next update won't be any time soon though. I need time to set up the next scene.

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